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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Madison Times: Faith groups ask WWJD? by A. David Dahmer May 27, 2011

You just have to have faith that lobbyists and pay-to-play politicians will use their moral compass and do the right thing - or know what the right thing to do is!

From the article (click title) -

“Every budget is a statement of values, especially budgets that are made in difficult times. Our budgets are, in fact, moral documents, describing the priorities, our values, and our willingness as people of faith to live out our call to work for justice and to care for the most vulnerable among us. The governor has proposed a budget that he says will close our state's budget deficit. It is our belief that his proposed budget, in fact, creates a moral deficit in our state. [It’s a] moral deficit in as much as it fails to address the common good and protect our most vulnerable brothers and sisters. As people of faith, we know that decreasing the cost of being rich while increasing the cost of being poor is not ethical. A budget that is balanced on the back of workers and the poor is not just, it is not moral, and it is certainly no solution.”
Those were the words of Madison-area Urban Ministry (MUM) Executive Director Linda Ketcham who spoke at a news conference as representatives of communities of faith gathered May 18 for the unveiling of the Wisconsin Values Budget.

Medicaid: Death by a Thousand Cuts or Ten Thousand or More - Making It Personal

Monday, May 30, 2011

Walker's War on Education: Plans to teach all 3rd Graders to read ... a busy year!

Governor Walker is going to be very, very busy with his "Read to Lead" program since he is now going to do the job of all the Reading Specialists he eliminated!  He may not have time to pass "anti-collective bargaining legislation" - you know - something has to give when you are so busy.  Do not worry, the RECALL Senators, like Darling and even Senator Luther Olsen will help him out!

Walker's War on Education: Eliminate Reading Specialists  from blog on 4/7 (did I miss anything - this has not changed?) Click!


Walker pushes "Read to Lead" in Milwaukee  from 5/3 story - sorry you have to go to the site to see him demonstrate his technique. Click!


5/30: I just heard that he has some up coming demonstrations of his masterful techniques at various schools - sorry - don't know the schedule!

 Notice "experts" and DPI are represented - but this is one of those "strange bedfellows" political situations - everyone is trying to be positive - but you can be sure under the covers that there are real policy differences  ... with the Governor trying to "privatize education" by making a lot of noise about reading for kids!

Maybe we should all go the "publicity/press conference" tomorrow!  Governor's press release from

Governor’s Read to Lead Task Force
1 p.m.

Governor’s Conference Room,

115 East,
State Capitol.

Governor Scott Walker, Chair

Superintendent Tony Evers, Vice-Chair

Members: Mara Brown, Kathy Champeau, Steve Dykstra, Michele Erikson, Representative Jason Fields, Marcia Henry, Representative Steve Kestell, Rachel Lander, Senator Luther Olsen, Tony Pedriana, Linda Pils, and Mary Read.

Guests: Professors from UW colleges of education

Welcome and opening remarks by Governor Walker and Superintendent Evers.

Introductions from task force members and guest members representing UW colleges of education.

A discussion of teacher training and professional development including current practices and ways to improve.

Short break.

A discussion of reading interventions including current practices and ways to improve.

A discussion of future topics and future meeting dates.


Governor Scott Walker

JFC meeting 5/31 ...what are they going to do to Children and Families

The Joint Committee on Finance will meet in Executive Session on the 2011-13 biennial budget on Tuesday, May 31, 2011, at 3:00 p.m.  The meeting will be held in Room 412 East, State Capitol.  The Executive Session will be held on the budgets of the following agencies:
            Department of Corrections
              -Department wide
              -Adult Institutions
              -Adult Community Corrections
              -Sentencing Modifications
              -Juvenile Corrections
            Department of Justice
            Department of Revenue
              -Department wide
              -Tax Administration
            General Fund Taxes
              -Income and Franchise Taxes
              -Sales and Excise Taxes
            Children and Families
              -Economic Support and Child Care
            Prevailing Wage


Joint Finance Comm. Emails, Homepages

KBucket - Keeping Track of Koch Brothers and others

This site seems to be in "beta".  If KBucket keeps going it will be a great resource for background information on the Koch Brothers. [Click Title to see group of articles.]

This is from the author page -
News Curator

I curate news to inform. Everyday I read through tens of news sources and curate the news articles that catch my eye on subjects I care about.
I often look at sources on the left and the right and may record two articles on the same topic from two or 3 different perspectives.
In this way I am recording history to both inform and educate. A non partisan totally objective recording of news and opinions that can help us learn about ourselves and the events around us.

This video about "communication and research" is also embedded in the site and available on YOUTUBE.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

File:Wisconsin Recall Districts.JPG 2011

For the recall visualists ... nice state map from via  Lucy Burns Institute.  Click the title! : Wisconsin’s recall elections: A primer

A nice rundown of State Senators and opponents and from the article a word about Voter ID.  If you are affected in your Senate District it may be good idea to make some inquiries of local election officials so that there are fewer surprises and the officials gauge turnout correctly and have enough poll workers and ballots!!!

Will the recall elections be subject to the Voter ID requirements just signed into law?
Yes and no. According to Magney, voters in this summer’s elections will be asked for identification. However, voters without ID will be allowed to vote and provided with information on how to get valid ID in time for the 2012 primary, when photo ID will be mandatory.

Concrete Reasons to support public sector workers!

Add these two stories together and make them part of your permanent memory.  Government frequently is far more efficient than making everyone go out there and negotiate on their own for healthcare or retirement accounts - one reason that was not emphasized enough.

5 Reasons Why I Don’t Support Privatization of Government Services

DOT Outsourcing Costs Taxpayers Millions: Private Contractors Tapped As Number Of State Engineers Declines

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A history review : Walker's (Ryan) War on the Safety Net

Promise to do a "Safety Net" reprise and bring it more current but do you remember what has already gone on!

WI 1848 Forward: A history review : #Walker 's ( #Ryan ) War on the #SafetyNet  : #AARP #47% #99% #ows

#wiRecall Stall ... so what's the real impact?

You just have to wonder what this really means?  Does it make it more likely that the Republican Legislature will play a "new collective bargaining game" or less likely.  On the other hand an election in the middle of summer shortly after a major holiday - what impact on turn out does that imply.  The JSOnline: Review of recall petitions going slowly; July 12 election in doubt is interesting but nobody has a clue and as they say it's a tough job.

From the article -
The task before the accountability board has been daunting. According to the board, more than 200,000 signatures submitted on 30,748 pages of petitions had to be analyzed. That doesn't include the challenges, affidavits and rebuttals submitted by the nine recall committees and incumbents.

So you want to know about Kim Simac (recall - I'll run)!

This article from PolitiScoop presents an interesting perspective on her family values!  It also asks some questions about lawsuits and delinquent taxes - some might say irrelevant or that she is just having a tough time in this economy (like so many others).  Does she support open records?

Maybe this is the reason the Republican controlled JFC/Legislature was interested in reducing funding for the Wisconsin Court systems?

State Senator Jim Holperin is defending his northern Wisconsin seat, Senate 12th, in a recall petition mounted by Kim, and now she is running for the slot.

Recall - Simac at wiGop - and someone is running against her - Lincoln County Board Chair Robert Lussow

Monday, May 23, 2011

JSOnline: Another reason to recall Hopper

The JSOnline headline is about a bill to give breaks to insurance companies.  This is one that you should ask for a public hearing before Joint Finance ... write and call now!

State proposal would send $250 million to certified capital companies - Firms would keep 80% of profit, wouldn't have to repay principal - Kathleen Gallagher - Journal Sentinel May 22, 2011

From source -

Legislation that Gov. Scott Walker says will create jobs would provide hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks to insurance companies, while giving control of a $250 million fund to out-of-state financial management companies that would not have to pay back the fund's principal and would keep up to 80% of its profits.
The proposal is supported by a group of Republican lawmakers led by Sen. Randy Hopper (R-Fond du Lac) and Rep. Gary Tauchen (R-Bonduel). But some others - including at least one Republican legislator - are calling it a massive corporate giveaway.
The program is called the Jobs Now Fund and represents part of the $400 million Wisconsin Jobs Act. It aims to jump-start job creation in Wisconsin by promising $200 million in future tax credits in exchange for $250 million raised from insurance companies.
Joint Finance Comm. Emails, Homepages

Sunday, May 22, 2011

In Milwaukee - Seeking a new life, Burmese refugees find roaches and blight

The context of understanding - what do Burma, the Karen people, Milwaukee, Grothman and Walker, human rights, collective bargaining, unions and recall elections have in common.  You will need to examine both links!

Burma refugees move to Milwaukee slums May 21, 2011 by Cristalyne J Bell

This kind of "human abuse" (see the link below) in our own backyard yard reminds me that we seem to live in a "moment" that is yelling "me first" and "it's mine".  Politicians who refer to people as "thugs" only because they are taking actions (such as occupying the Capitol) that might thwart their own ambitions to prevent voting, suppress minorities, give tax breaks to wealthy individuals and corporations in the name "job growth" and "efficiency" have to be voted out of office.

JSOnline: Seeking a new life, Burmese refugees find roaches and blight

#Refugees #Burmese In #Milwaukee #WI 1848 Forward: Seeking a new life, Burmese refugees find roaches and blight

Dishonesty - Noel Sheppard (NewsBusters) vs Krugman (NYTimes)

Noel Shepard takes excerpts from Krugman's article but never gives us the link to see for ourselves so here it is - NYTimes Op-Ed Columnist: Wisconsin Power Play By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: February 20, 2011

At least you know who said it with but a little more information by the author would be helpful - what do you think?

Krugman: 'Gov. Walker Trying to Make Wisconsin and America a Third-World-Style Oligarchy' Read more:

On top of those issues I know 2/21/2011 is not a long time ago but I did not notice this as over three months old and someone was recycling it on Twitter - I'm guilty of that sometimes when I think an issue should not be forgotten!  All the more important to report your sources and give the reader a chance to figure it out for themselves.  I should also mention Shepard referenced George Will in a link in this piece.  But the link was to another of his columns where you could see an embed from ABC News - nothing wrong with that but it does show he knows how to put links in stories!

WI 1848 Forward: Dishonesty - Noel #Sheppard (NewsBusters) vs #Krugman ( #NYTimes) - watch the spin and context

WI 1848 Forward: Dishonesty - Noel #Sheppard ( #NewsBusters ) vs #Krugman ( #NYTimes ) - watch the spin and context

#Walker WI 1848 Forward: Dishonesty- #Sheppard ( #NewsBusters ) vs #Krugman ( #NYTimes ) - watch the spin & context

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fitzgerald says GOP will have 19, possibly 20 after recalls

What kind of man is Wisconsin State Senator Scott Fitzgerald ... more from - seems he means to imply he thinks like Grothman?!

Fitzgerald says GOP will have 19, possibly 20 after recalls

Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald predicted Republicans would still have 19 members of the state Senate once the recall elections are over and could possibly even pick up a new member.

Still, Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, warned the delegates that Dems are motivated.

"Trust me, the other side is already measuring the drapes," he said.

Fitzgerald opened his speech by joking it was the first time he'd been in front of a crowd that large without people chanting and yelling things at him.

"I also have to tell you you smell a lot better," Fitzgerald said.

Gov. Walker - listen carefully ... Holperin vs Simac vs who ... vote split?

WisPolitics is quoting Governor Walker ... who is he talking about ... FAB14?  He is also talking about the three Democrats who may be facing recall!  In particular he thinks Holperin is vulnerable!
"To me it's real simple. Voters in those three races should ask themselves a simple question -- if they didn't show up for work for three weeks, would they still have a job? I think the answer is simple, they'd all be fired. And voters have to question whether or not they're going to fire the people that didn't show up for work," Walker said.

an earlier snippet from article -
"Kenosha was a toss-up. Green Bay Prosser won. Holperin's district Prosser won overwhelmingly by more than 15 points," he said.

So now you know the challenge ... is it real or a faint?

Recall - Simac at wiGop - and someone is running against her - Lincoln County Board Chair Robert Lussow

WisPolitics continues to tantalize with details about Holperin's opposition -
Simac had a booth set up at this weekend's state convention featuring T-shirts that read "RECALL Jim Holperin" and water bottles that read "Kim's running, but she won't run."
Simac said she expected Dems to try to make the election about her background, but she said it would largely hinge on whether people approved of Holperin's decision to join fellow Dems out of state to hold up a vote on the collective bargaining bill. She said people will not forget that decision any time soon.

Friday, May 20, 2011

On the Media: The Filter Bubble (Echo Chamber - think forward!?)

From the tease -
Does the internet allow users to limit their interaction to like-minded people, or does access to the World Wide Web expose users to new points of view, different from their own? The question has seemingly been asked for as long as the internet has been around.

Joint Committee on Finance will meet in Executive Session - Medical Assistance 5/24 Tues

Of course everything is important but if this JFC agenda holds for Tuesday this is perhaps of greatest concern (note JFC is known on the fly to change the agenda) - Department of Health Services -- Medical Assistance -- Services

The Joint Committee on Finance will meet in Executive Session on the 2011-13 biennial budget on Tuesday, May 24, 2011, at 11:00 a.m.  The meeting will be held in Room 412 East, State Capitol.  The Executive Session will be held on the budgets of the following agencies:
            Department of Employee Trust Funds
            Government Accountability Board
            Department of Transportation -- Transportation Finance
            Department of Transportation -- Local Transportation Aid
            Department of Transportation -- State Highway Program
            Department of Transportation -- State Patrol
            Department of Health Services -- Medical Assistance -- Services

The title click gives the whole calendar!

JSOnline for Recall Junkies: GAB meets Monday

By the numbers as reported by JSOnline ...
In considering the challenges to individual signatures, the GAB staff came up with 21,776 valid signatures against Kapanke, 22,953 against Hopper and 22,207 against Olsen. That's well over the 15,588, 15,269 and 14,733 needed, respectively, to force elections for the three.
Click title to see the article ... the link provided to GAB in site seems broken!

WisPolitics GOP Convention Blog

The things you miss when living your life away from the net! The link gives a run down of GOP action this weekend and shows how shy the GOP is becoming!

Such as (from the site) - Jefferson: Convention prepared for protesters, but not expecting anything, Straw poll ballot, rules, Jeff Fitzgerald says budget will be conservative, his priority over possible Senate run-- etc.
If you missed the floor debate relating to AB 7 (Voter ID 5/17) you can spend part of your Saturday watching it on WISEYE.ORG riveting reruns!

From their WisEyeAlert

From the event detail on their site -

05.17.11 | Senate Floor Session (Part 2 of 3)

Continued coverage of the May 17, 2011 Senate floor session held at the state Capitol. In this portion of the floor session, the Senate took up Assembly Bill 7, relating to requiring certain identification in order to vote at a polling place or obtain an absentee ballot, verification of the addresses of electors, absentee voting procedure in certain residential care apartment complexes and adult family homes, identification cards issued by the Department of Transportation, creating an identification certificate issued by the Department of Transportation, requiring the exercise of rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. - The Lies of the Left Concerning Voter ID - Uncredentialed Site

The above site purports to provide information as news / fact.  The title provides you access to the WHOIS about the site!  There is nothing on the site that provides any identity.  I do this such that I can honestly indicate that I will remove any items from this organization in any materials or sites that I manage until there is some disclosure of interested parties credentialing the site.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

JFC Co-chair Robin Vos - plans to finish its work on - budget by 6/4.

Alarm Bells!  This change(?) in JFC schedule is alarming - meaning anticipate and act now not later! reports ... JFC Co-chair Robin Vos says the committee plans to finish its work on the budget by June 4 (which is a Saturday).  Remember Fitzgerald said "Collective Bargaining" might go back into budget if not decided on by the Courts (before June).  Supreme Court set (I think June 6th) for the day they would consider arguments about Judge Sumi's stop order - not that they would decide anything except whether to proceed on the question!  JFC (Darling/Vos) have nothing in the Calendar beyond the end of May ( the link is in the title, click).

I recall hearing Vos say at a past hearing that this process (JFC) would probably go into late June (and it usually does - if not longer).

Forward Think: Dems fear GOP will race to redistrict before recall elections - STEVEN ELBOW | The Capital Times

[This updated version showed up as a draft 5/17 among my posts - I think it was one of the "blogger posts" lost in the cloud that I had given up seeing again - well here it is.]  

Whether Rep Barca gets credit for being concerned about redistricting or Mr. Elbow - this is a good piece. The followup interview on how the process works is the kind of finish that just does not usually get done and is incredibly important! It would only be improved by giving even more insight to what someone might do about it as an interested party?!

From source -

Ken Mayer, a University of Wisconsin-Madison political science professor and redistricting expert, says any attempt to map legislative districts before municipalities finish their work “would be an administrative nightmare.” That’s because the Republicans couldn’t start at the ward level but instead would use census data to overlay legislative districts on top of municipal electoral maps.

But if the Republicans depart from the statutory timeline, Mayer says, they would enter uncharted legal territory.
“I think it would probably open up avenues of legal challenges, although I’m not certain of that,” he says. “It seems to me you’d have an easier time going after a plan if it was not built up by the wards.”

JFC 5/12 Executive Session 11am

[This updated version showed up as a draft 5/17 among my posts - I think it was one of the "blogger posts" lost in the cloud that I had given up seeing again - well here it is.]  

The devil is in the details ... shared revenue is where it really goes on for home rule!  GAB discussion could be fun since they may have 700000 signatures to review on a recall for Walker ... what kind of staffing will be required!

The Joint Committee on Finance will meet in Executive Session

on the 2011-13 biennial budget on Thursday, May 12, 2011, at 11:00 a.m.

The meeting will be held in Room 412 East, State Capitol.

The Executive Session will be held on the budgets of the following agencies:
          Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board
          Office of the Commissioner of Insurance
          Department of Financial Institutions
          Secretary of State
          Department of Administration -- Justice Information System Surcharge
          District Attorneys
          Department of Veterans Affairs -- General Agency Provisions
          Shared Revenue and Tax Relief -- Property Tax Credits
          Shared Revenue and Tax Relief -- Property Taxation
          Shared Revenue and Tax Relief -- Local Government Services
          Government Accountability Board

BeHeard EasyAccess Link: Joint Finance 

Comm. Members and Group Access

WSJ -Telecom deregulation bill gets state Legislature's OK

[This updated version showed up as a draft 5/17 among my posts - I think it was one of the "blogger posts" lost in the cloud by Blogger that I had given up seeing again - well here it is.]  

Funny ... but serious ... it seems to codify what already goes on - when was the last time you got a problem resolved!  Another example of this legislature solving a problem that does not exist like VoterID (AB7) - not really!  More Pay to Play legislation!  Whatever happened to concepts like "Universal Telecom Access"?

From the source -

The state could no longer investigate complaints from consumers about their telephone and Internet providers or regulate service rates under a bill expected to soon become law.
...But critics insisted the proposal would leave consumers vulnerable to rate increases and no recourse if they have poor service.
“The service quality will become poorer and poorer and the price will be higher and higher,” state Sen. Kathleen Vinehout, D-Alma, said.
She said rural areas will be especially hard hit by the measure because of limited service providers in those areas, warning “we’re pitting urban against rural.”
The bill has also has been criticized by groups like the Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin, calling it “a giveaway to the telecom industry, and the takeaway of grandma’s phone.”

The measure has the support of industry leaders like AT&T Wisconsin.
...AT&T, through its political action committee and employees, contributed more than $78,000 during 2009 and the first 10 month of 2010 to current lawmakers and the governor, the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign says. Of that amount, more than $20,000 went to Walker.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

WOW not MOM : Village of the Banned

No yelling, no abuse, no screaming - just realize what a task you have before you! Besides the fact that this looks like it was all written by a single  person and someone would need to explore the membership list - it probably is just a way to suck up your time and prevent you from doing more important things!  Sites that seem loaded but you cannot really identify anyone go way down the list of credible ... be they liberal or conservative!

Click the title if you really want to waste some time and be shocked about what "Freedom of Speech" means!

Health Costs double in 9 Years - Ryan's plan - you pay for it!!

Rep. Paul Ryan is trying to solve the wrong problem on purpose!  Either tackle the "Health Care" lobby or it will just keep on - doubling every 6 to 9 years!  In your "high school" finance class you learned that at about 4-7% interest your money would double every 7 years - oh! you did not have that class!  Well we would not want you to be to prepared - life gets boring!

U.S. Health Care Costs Per Family More Than Doubled In Nine Years, Report Finds  Huffington Post 5/17

6/5/2013 - Added for Lisa's use as direct links - 

#Ryan 's plan -you pay for it!! WI1848Forward: #Health Costs dbl in 9 Yrs : #Medicare #Medicaid #99% #Janesville

Koch Brothers - National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation vs WiUnion

The court fight goes on as to whether the Walker Budget Repair Bill is constitutional.

From the source -

Uppity Wisconsin

Progressive News from the Cheddarsphere

One of the Koch brothers front-groups, the union-busting group National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, is rolling their tanks into Wisconsin to defend against a lawsuit from Dane County Firefighters and other public employee unions challenging the constitutionality of Walker's union-busting bill.
Click title for source.

WI 1848 Forward: #Koch Brothers - National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation vs #WiUnion #47% #99%

2011 Watch/Listen: AB7 VoterID - Senate Decorum - Tyranny of Absolute Majority

As I continue to listen to State Senate debate AB 7 VoterID I am reminded of my experience at the JFC hearing the other day when I was told the use of a camera (even before the committee convened) was violating the decorum of the legislature. reports -
UPDATE: 4:42 p.m. -- Noting that only five GOP members were in their seat to hear Jauch's "impassioned remarks," Erpenbach does a call of the house, which compels senators in the Capitol building to come back to the chamber.

Republicans seemed to smirk at the irony of Dems using the tactic, when it was the Dems who failed to answer calls of the house when they fled to Illinois to avoid a vote on the budget repair bill.
More decorum I guess!

Senator Vinehout gave an excellent discourse on how difficult it is for people in rural Wisconsin to get proper voter identification across three counties - Representative Pridemore, if he were there, I am sure would promise a DOT mobile office to solve the problem (I think there are 3) ... and so it goes.  Senator Larson's speaking now ... Senator Holperin now ... and so it goes!

A committee meeting before AB 7 got to JFC ... nobody objected to camera ...
JFC Monday Voter ID - Wisconsin Voter ID Bill 2011 Poll Tax or Fraud Protection

NPR: This Is The Police: Put Down Your Camera - WI JFC similar

WI 1848 Forward: 2011 Watch/Listen: AB7 #VoterID - #Senate Decorum - #Tyranny of Absolute #Majority #GOP vs #47% #99%

Upd 2/2012 #LFB estimates of revenue $636 Million rosy picture - 5/11/2011

2/2012 ... how things change ... forecast now is ~140 million deficit ... get the idea about forecasts ..

[This updated version showed up as a draft 5/17 among my posts - I think it was one of the "blogger posts" lost in the cloud that I had given up seeing again - well here it is.] 

The LFB paints a rather rosy picture for the next two years.  Timing is everything ... imagine if this had been the situation in January.  Governor Walker could not claim "we are broke."  Not many people believed him.  So now this projection is being called a "windfall".  If you click on the title a PDF file will download and you can read the six pages yourself!  Six pages and 1000's of retirements and hundreds of thousands of rally/protest hours - what do you think!

From that report -
Based on our review of the collections data and the new economic forecast, we now believe that general fund tax revenues will be higher than the previous estimates by $233 million in 2010-11, $204 million in 2011-12, and $199 million in 2012-13.  The three-year increase is $636 million, or 1.6%.  Over the three-year period, the income tax estimates have been increased by $910 million, and the sales tax and corporate tax projections have been reduced by $240 million and $68 million, respectively. Smaller revisions have been made to the estimates for other taxes.  -
 Given that eventually, if there was ever going to be an upturn, this was going to happen.  Similar reports came out in California too (last week?) ... wondered when we would get new numbers!

Forward Think: Wanted: Foreign Workers For Germany's Job Boom -NPR

[This updated version showed up as a draft 5/17 among my posts - I think it was one of the "blogger posts" lost in the cloud that I had given up seeing again - well here it is.]

What does this tell you?  My narrative is that Germany with its heavy export economy may be filling in for  crippled production from Japan and the downsizing forced on U.S. automakers.  It also foretells future recovery in the U.S. and more job growth.  Back here in Wisconsin anyone who says "we're broke" should be tossed out of office.  Even though we will get 250,000 jobs soon enough it won't be due to Governor Walker's policies!

Walker's Wars: Education - Vouchers for Beloit, GreenBay, Racine

[This updated version showed up as a draft 5/17 among my posts - I think it was one of the "blogger posts" lost in the cloud that I had given up seeing again - well here it is.]

The ink is still drying on Walker's last voucher giveaway and he marches on to propose it for other places in the state.  He said this in DC to the American Federation for Children at an award event for him among others?

JSOnline: Walker: Budget could expand school choice to other cities - Assembly approves expansion of program in Milwaukee 5/10/2011

Sen. Alberta Darling (R-River Hills), co-chair of the Legislature's budget committee, said Republicans are talking about creating choice programs in Racine, Beloit and Green Bay. She said she supports the idea and the programs could begin this fall or the fall of 2012.
"I can't say it's cooked, but it's on the table," she said.
Rep. Robin Vos (R-Rochester), the other co-chair of the Joint Finance Committee, said he hoped the committee would put the measure into the budget by the beginning of June and then forward it to the two houses for votes within weeks.
"I think the idea of giving more choice to parents should be an easy sell to our caucus," he said.
Darling is up for recall and has 10 wards located in the City of Milwaukee. Senate District 8, is comprised of Assembly Districts 22, 23, 24 with parts of Milwuakee, Ozaukee and Washington County..  Rep. Sandy Pasch (, District 22 is running against Darling in the recall. More info Daily Kos:Darling Demographics.

JSOnline: Senate president balks at Gov. Walker's school choice proposal 5/11/2011

“We have problems with the elimination of the income threshold because the idea behind this program was to help poverty-stricken students who don’t have the wherewithal to go to private school," Ellis said in a brief interview. “This is a complete blowing up of that concept. Throw this (new proposal) in and I have to do some serious thinking about the rest of this.”
Ellis said he hadn't thought Walker wanted to pursue the expansion of voucher schools.
 “I’m amazed at this. I didn’t see this coming,” Ellis said.
Why is it a giveaway?  Milwaukee Public Schools and their students are doing as well as the voucher kids - so the program is not needed and may be part of the problem denying the school district needed resources.

WSJ: DPI: Students in Milwaukee voucher program 3/29/2011didn't perform better in state tests

It's a giveaway because it is essentially a gift to anyone who has one or more children to get $6,442 voucher per child.  Previously you paid property taxes and state revenue sharing to support public schools.  Now people with a $350,000 house in Milwaukee county are being subsidized to send their kids to school more than they ever pay in property taxes.  Net effect the rest of us are making up the difference.

As I understand it this program was created 20 years ago to assist kids of disadvantaged families given the then current theory that the schools were failing them rather than society.  The experiment is over - it should end.

It's time to get ahead of the curve on this one!  Let Senator Mike Ellis and the JFC know what you think of this proposal.  Remember the link -

Be Heard Link: All Education Committee Members and Group Access

Be Heard Link: All Joint Finance Comm. Members and Group Access

#Trump #Swamp Supporter  #Devos >> #Walker 's Wars: #Education - #Vouchers for #Beloit, #GreenBay, #Racine 

Huffington Post 3/17/2010 - All about Tommy Thompson

Click on the title to see a great article and do not miss the video on the bottom! Here is an excerpt attributed to 2007 remarks -

May 2007: How many different excuses can one make for a single stupid, bigoted comment?
As above, first comes Thompson's controversial comment:
In Thursday night's Republican debate, Tommy Thompson appeared to endorse the right of employers to discriminate against gay employees, but the former Wisconsin Governor was backpedaling within 12 hours.

Thompson was asked Thursday night, "If a private employer believes homosexuality is immoral, should he be allowed to fire a gay worker?"

Thompson said he "really, sincerely believe(s) that that is an issue that business people have to make their own determination over whether or not they (gay employees) should be (fired)."

"So the answer is yes?" moderator John Harris asked. "Yes," Thompson replied.
And, as above, Thompson's continued re-visiting of his controversial comment only digs his hole further. The next morning, Thompson begins backtracking:
"I misinterpreted the question," Thompson insisted. "I thought that I answered it yes when I should have answered it no. I didn't hear it. I didn't hear the question properly and I apologized. It's not my position and there should be no discrimination in the work place and I believe that."
Thompson suggests that he both misinterpreted the question and misheard the question. Two excuses in one. But that didn't stop Thompson, as he continued digging that hole, from coming up with two more excuses:
Tommy Thompson cited a dead hearing aid and an urgent need to use the bathroom in explaining on Saturday why he said at a GOP presidential debate that an employer should be allowed to fire a gay worker.

Speaking to reporters after giving an address at the state GOP convention, Thompson also said he was suffering from the flu and bronchitis and had been admitted to a hospital emergency room three days prior to the May 3 debate.

"Nobody knows that," Thompson said. "I've been very sick. ... I was very sick the day of the debate. I had all of the problems with the flu and bronchitis that you have, including running to the bathroom. I was just hanging on. I could not wait until the debate got off so I could go to the bathroom."
In summation, Thompson: 1) misinterpreted the question; 2) misheard the question, allegedly due to a dead hearing aid (that didn't seem to impair his performance during the rest of the debate); 3) urgently had to go to the bathroom; and, 4) had an emergency-room-caliber degree of both the flu and bronchitis (that didn't appear to give him the hoarseness of voice that usually comes with severe bronchitis). One stupid, controversial comment and four excuses, at least two of which appear utterly bogus given the context.

UPD (12:25pm) : Thompson is going to run - (8:33am) Seems Twitters think so! Wispolitics UPD Packerland video

Let's see - as I understand it Tommy brought Wisconsin big time "Pay-to-Play" politics.  He will be, say 76, by the time he finishes his first term ( a little older than me) if he wins.  What kind of State Taxes did he pay and where did he pay them?  I thought he was a big time inside the beltway lobbyist now - maybe he could get us a high speed train now?  Under the new VoterID he may not be able to vote in Wisconsin "recalls" - oh wait the State Senate could still pass an amendment exempting Tommy and send it back to the Assembly for reconciliation - or better yet do it by Joint Committee 50 minutes after providing notice!

I apologize in advance for "you have to live here to know what I am talking about" remarks!

(~Noon 5/17) DC Wrap is reporting Thompson will run -
The source said an announcement is not imminent. But Thompson is meeting with advisers to craft a campaign structure and budget in anticipation of a campaign.
See also Huffington Post 3/17/2010 - All about Tommy Thompson

From Huffington Post story about the video -
I suppose I'll close with this video, at right, of Thompson celebrating a Green Bay Packers victory while, well, pretty drunk. Or, um, does he usually slur his speech that badly in front of tens of thousands of Packer fans?

Monday, May 16, 2011

WI -Maple Students - video

Walker - have you seen his DNR plan? Update

Anyone see the plan yet?  What is Governor Walker explaining about his plans for DNR? I think he is making deals right now - who with? (5/14)

From source -
Walker addressed more than 400 residents who arrived Thursday in Wausau from towns and cities throughout the state for the 2011 Wisconsin Conservation Congress Annual Convention, a three-day convention taking place at the Plaza Hotel and Suites.Walker's plan has raised concerns that his proposal benefits special interests rather than the state's natural resources.

Walker defends DNR plan

Natural Resources (and Environment), Committees – Emails, Homepages

CapTimes : On Topic: Walker moves to withdraw state's defense of domestic partnership law

6/4/2013 - So what happened?
Walker seems to imitating Obama but as usual - got it backwards about the constitution!

From source -
In his motion, filed late Friday in Dane County Circuit Court, the governor also asks that, if Judge Daniel Moeser refuses to grant his motion to withdraw from the case, he be allowed to change the state's position and declare the domestic partner registry unconstitutional.

WI 1848 Forward: CapTimes : On Topic: #Walker moves to withdraw state's defense of domestic partnership law #LGBT #discrimination always a concern 

"Fear the Boom and Bust" a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem

Keynes wins hands down ... our recent experience is due to too much unregulated leveraging by some in the "corporate / private" sector!

WI 1848 Forward:"Fear the Boom and Bust" a #Hayek vs. #Keynes Rap Anthem : 1% #elites vs #47% #jobs

WSJ: Sen. Julie Lassa safe as final recall drive fails

State Senator Julie Lassa will not be recalled - a double blessing - did she not just have a baby - this weekend - the tweets fly by (sorry if I am wrong!).  Click title for article!

From the WSJ -
An organizer for the effort to recall Sen. Julie Lassa of Stevens Point says the group collected a third of the signatures needed to trigger a recall election. The deadline was Monday.

Education War : Grothman and Alternate Reality

Grothman has announced another subsidy for private schools (3/24).  This is on his State Website - you can click title to see it all.  Even more questionable is the over generalization and problable mis-statement (and that is being kind)!  Here is one his statements -

“With the government already subsidizing private education by up to $6,500 per year for Milwaukee residents, the proposal would offer assistance, albeit a lesser amount, for outstate parents who want an alternative to the public schools for their children,” said Grothman.  “Whether their concerns are Wisconsin’s declining test scores, a radical new sex education program pushed through the Legislature last year, or public school teachers proselytizing a liberal political agenda in their schools, it is unfair not to provide a little assistance to independent-minded parents.” 

Too much to question - "Wisconsin’s declining test scores" - where does he get this - what's his source?

Not these (from DPI site) -
Wisconsin No. 1 in national graduation rate report
Over five consecutive years, state ranks first or second in public high school graduation rate
Overall MPS results higher than choice schools on statewide exams 
Wisconsin Student Assessment System provides first look at MPCP achievement on statewide exams
Overall state results on NAEP science exceed national average

WSJ (2010) -
Wisconsin average ACT test score third highest in nation

... so on an so forth!

WI 1848 Forward: #Education War : #Grothman and Alternate Reality : #walker & Pridemore ally  -Good Bye Local control

Norma Rae could be a Teacher (Appreciation Week)

Will this video of Norma Rae stay up on YouTube!  None the less it is very poignant to be reminded of it this week of all weeks! Let's take a chance! WEAC and Norma!

NPR : Appreciation Week Brings Little Cheer To Teachers

Archive: Imagery around FitzWalkerStan

Pakman Channel : Scott Walker Anti-Union Stuff Funded by Koch Brothers & Republicans

From Wikipedia about David Koch-
Koch was the Libertarian Party's vice-presidential candidate in the 1980 presidential election, sharing the party ticket with presidential candidate Ed Clark. The Clark–Koch ticket promised to abolish Social Security, the Federal Reserve Board, welfare, minimum-wage laws, corporate taxes, all price supports and subsidies for agriculture and business, and U.S. Federal agencies including the SEC, EPA, ICC, FTC, OSHA, FBI, CIA, and DOE.[2][12] The ticket proposed legalization of prostitution, recreational drugs, and suicide.[2]
From way back 2/22/2011 about the many sources of funding by Koch and others - for what purpose would they spend all that money - over 1000 video posts you will love!

Scott Walker Anti-Union Stuff Funded by Koch Brothers & Republicans

Archive : imagery-around-fitzwalkerstan

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Koch commercial: An instant classic

The link can be followed to more at but it is also embedded here to ... sit back a sip a Cola!

3/25/2012 ... interesting 2 out 3 have been somewhat self-diminished ... hopeful for 3 out of 3.

Koch commercial: An instant classic

#Koch commercial: An instant classic #FOX #Hannity

NPR : Appreciation Week Brings Little Cheer To Teachers

Teachers in an ambivalent mood - current politics are implicitly discriminating against women - a gendered occupation! Mary Bell, WEAC, about 2:30 minute point.

Recall Junkies : Holperin (D) vs Simac (R - Tea Party) 5/4

The LakeLand Times may be an ePaper to watch (click title for one article) on Holperin vs Simac - the comments are the most interesting!

My favorite from the running comments (5/5) -
Breaking News: A dead coyote has been found on the side of Highway 51 clutching a Republican nomination papers in it's jaws. The Lakeland Times had previously endorsed the coyote in it's now ill-fated run for the assembly.

PolitiScoop : Walker’s Plot to Plunder Pensions 5/15

A few of the earliest entries in this blog were on this topic!  Just what were Governor Walker's intentions in regard to state annuitants and current state employees benefits?  In this article it is suggested that a few unusual things are being done with various state accounts - it certainly has my attention!  Click on the title to see the PolitiScoop story!

Walker: Budget Repair, Healthcare - Hidden Agenda, Retirees Beware

From that posting -

Even more troubling, in a letter by the Governor to state employees, he directs -

the Group Insurance Board to implement changes to health insurance plan designs to further reduce premiums by 5 percent and will implement health risk assessments for all state employees beginning on January 1, 2012. “

What does this mean? Sounds like a clever way of saying you are going make some employees pay more for their health care than others!? Older employees perhaps? Diabetic employees maybe? Employees with preexisting conditions? With Governor Walker putting himself in charge of agency rule writing and review – who knows? There are over 500,000 state annuitants, who may or may not have associated health care, which they pay for in full – are they going to be impacted?
Another blog entry from 4/27 -

Walker's War on Safety Net - Public pensions face changes

An ounce of awareness is worth a ton of politics, of which the latter may be about to fall on many Wisconsinites. David Cay Johnston makes the point that 401K, are very inefficient investment vehicles.  Think about it: 1) the time an individual has to devote, 2) the time and number of additional administrators required in organizations, and 3) the multitude of fees that administrators and investment vehicles collect (such as mutual funds). Finally, 401K are a tax break for those with any discretionary income.

 ... here is the Governor's letter ... bold and larger text has been applied by blogger ... you can wonder how much was or is true and how much was manufactured crisis - especially with $636M gains from tax collections.

 Governor Scott Walker
State of Wisconsin

Thank you for your service to your state and your fellow citizens.  I know that you have worked hard during this economic downturn to ensure that our citizens continue to receive great service, despite our state having fewer and fewer resources.  I, like all Wisconsinites, am grateful for your professionalism and commitment to public service. 

Like almost every state across the nation, our state faces some very serious and undeniable financial challenges.  Over the last three months, I have worked diligently to review the status of our state finances and to put forward a plan that balances our budget now and will create stability in future budgets. 

Many of you are aware of the immediate challenges facing our state.  In the current fiscal year which ends on June 30, 2011, we face a budget deficit of $136.7 million.  We also owe more than $200 million to the Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund.  Failure to immediately address this shortfall could result in the state being unable to pay for health services to thousands of children and families in Wisconsin’s BadgerCare program.

Looking to the future, our challenges are even greater. Over the next two years, the State of Wisconsin faces a biennial budget deficit of $3.6 billion.

While some of these financial challenges may be attributed to the slowing of our economy, the reality is that these problems were exacerbated by poor budgeting decisions approved and promoted by past elected leaders, Republicans and Democrats alike. By relying on the use of one-time money, segregated fund raids, and increases in taxes and fees, past leaders have focused on short term solutions without looking toward the future.

While these decisions may have appeared to be the easiest solution, or the path of least resistance, the bills for these decisions have come due and the path to long term financial solvency for our state requires shared sacrifices from everyone.

Today, I am introducing a Budget Repair Bill to address our current fiscal year deficit of $136.7 million.  Later this month, I will introduce my 2011-2013 Biennial Budget proposal to address the pending $3.6 billion deficit.

The Budget Repair Bill will include a number of reform measures focused on bringing government employee benefits closer to the private sector, including:

·        Pension Contributions – Currently, state, school district and municipal employees who are members of the Wisconsin Retirement System contribute very little toward their pensions.  The bill requires that WRS employees, including myself and my cabinet officers, as well as employees of the City and County of Milwaukee, contribute 50 percent of their monthly pension contributions.  This amount is estimated to be 5.8 percent of salary for 2011, which is about the national average for private sector employees.

·        Health Insurance Contributions – Currently, state employees pay approximately 6 percent of annual health insurance premiums. This bill requires that state employees, again including myself and my cabinet officers, pay at least 12 percent of monthly premiums, which is still less than half of what the private sector pays.  In addition, the bill directs the Group Insurance Board to implement changes to health insurance plan designs to further reduce premiums by 5 percent and will implement health risk assessments for all state employees beginning on January 1, 2012.  Local employers participating in the Public Employers Group Health insurance program operated by the state will be prohibited from paying more than 88 percent of the lowest cost plan.

·        Collective Bargaining – Given the above changes, the bill also makes various changes to limit collective bargaining to the base pay rate. Total increases cannot exceed the Consumer Price Index (CPI) unless approved by a referendum.  Contracts will be limited to one year and wages will be frozen until the new contract is settled.  Collective bargaining units will have to take annual votes to maintain certification as a union.  Employers will be prohibited from collecting union dues and members of collective bargaining units will not be required to pay dues.  These changes take effect upon the expiration of existing contracts.  Local police and fire employees and State Patrol Troopers and Inspectors are exempted from these changes.

Collectively, these changes will result in savings of approximately $30 million in the remaining few months of the current fiscal year.

In the days ahead, some may attempt to misrepresent these reform measures, spreading inaccurate or misleading information.  To ensure that you know the facts, I would like to proactively address these issues.

Furloughs – Over the last several years, state employees have been required to take furloughs resulting in an across the board pay cut of approximately 3 percent.  The Budget Repair Bill and my 2011-2013 Biennial Budget proposal will not include additional furlough days for state employees.

Layoffs – Without the pension and health care reforms described above, saving $30 million over the last three months of the current fiscal year would require laying-off more than 1,500 state government employees.  By implementing these reforms, the provisions contained in both my Budget Repair Bill and my 2011-13 Biennial Budget proposal are focused on avoiding layoffs for state employees.

Wisconsin’s Civil Service System –The Budget Repair Bill and my 2011-2013 Biennial Budget proposal will not include any provisions to alter or modify the main tenets of Wisconsin’s Civil Service System, one of the strongest in the nation.  The grievance and dispute resolution systems currently in place, as well as all employee protections, will remain.

Vacation and Sick Leave Policy – Recent news stories have suggested that I am considering altering the state’s vacation or sick leave policy.  The Budget Repair Bill and my 2011-13 Biennial Budget proposal will not include any provisions to alter or modify state employees’ vacation or sick leave policy.  In addition, benefits currently accrued by any state employees will not be altered in any way.

Last week in my State of the State Address, I shared my belief that government employees are among some of the most honest, hard working, dedicated, professional workers in this state.  I sincerely believe that.

We all recognize that these are historic times that require us to rethink how government operates.  I ask that we continue to work together to do what is necessary to bring the state’s spending in line with our taxpayers’ ability to pay.

Wisconsin’s state employees are second to none in our nation.  Our citizens expect great service, and you have delivered.  I know you will continue to deliver top-notch programs for Wisconsin’s taxpayers.  Thank you again for your service to our state.


Governor Scott Walker

Path to Prosperity: Rep Paul Ryan in Chicago 5/15/11

Rep. Paul Ryan is still talking and will be in Chicago 5/15.  Sounds like he will have a "big" turnout?  The author is selling how Medicare is going to go bust.  There are plenty of solutions other than making sure those who depend on Medicare do go bust.  Ironically the Ryan plan was one of those divide and conquer plans - he just forgot that parents care about their kids and until something is done to reform the "healthcare lobby" they know we will all go broke and some sort of voucher may get you a toothbrush under Ryan's Path to Prosperity.  I am sure we will all be welcome at The Economic Club of Chicago.

MoveOn plans to greet Paul Ryan in Chicago with ‘angry opposition’ over Medicare

The aricle is from  -May 14th, 2011 11:55 am CT  Keith Liscio Chicago Conservative Examiner

WI 1848 Forward: Path to #Prosperity: Rep Paul #Ryan in Chicago 5/15/11 #AARP #47% #Janesville

Recall : JSOnline : Langan makes it official, will run against Cowles

Rich Langan, trusts his experience as a former Brown County supervisor, aide to former U.S. Rep. Steve Kagen will carry the Recall Election as he announced he would  run against state State Sen. Robert Cowles (R-Green Bay).

From the source -
Langan, of Ashwaubenon, made the announcement during a news conference Wednesday morning at Brown County Democratic Party headquarters in Green Bay, and hitched his run to efforts by Wisconsin Democrats to seize control of the state Senate. Republicans now control the body, 19 to 14; a gain of three seats by Democrats would put them in control.
...Langan faces a big challenge in running against Cowles, who's served in the Senate for over 24 years and represents a district all three of whose Assembly members are Republicans. The Cowles recall effort was the last one to collect enough signatures to force an election. The state Government Accountability Board is now in the process of vetting the signatures.

DNR Proposal Stepp/Walker : Tell WI Legis Comm. Natural Resources (and Envir.)

BeHeard EasyAccess - open your email, write your letter cut and paste groups of email addresses so you can send to all at once - use blind copy (bcc) or cc or direct whichever you think is more effective -

If Governor Walker uses an Executive Order why do we need a Legislature, DNR will become a hotspot for political cronies!  He is waiting for you to be silent!


Natural Resources (and Environment), Committees – Emails, Homepages 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Moore to go against Harsdorf

Moore is more than enough to defeat Harsdorf!

District Ten for Wisconsin

Sunday, May 15
Moore for Senate Campaign kick-off
Menomonie office: 12 noon
Hudson office: 12 noon
River Falls office: 12 noon
Canvassing door to door - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
Meet at the local campaign offices

Saturday, May 21 - Chippewa Falls
Fighting Bob Fest North: a forum for progressives to gather and inspire each other in the tradition of Wisconsin’s pioneering activist “Fighting Bob” LaFollette.
9am - 5pm
Northern Wisconsin Fairgrounds
331 Jefferson Ave, Chippewa Falls, WI

Saturday, May 28 - Menomonie
"Please and Thank You Campaign to Replace Harsdorf"
10am - 5pm
WCEA Office, 105 N 21st St., Menomonie, Wisconsin


Rally - We Are Wisconsin and Wisconsin Wave 5/14

Today's RALLY!  Great sound track in video of stills!

WSJ 5/14/11 pm: Thousands gather at Capitol to ‘keep the pressure on’ Walker

Served with Koch: NPR: Colleges Receive Gifts, But Are Strings Attached?

Colleges and universities love to have faculty positions endowed by benefactors and also accept money to create institutes, centers and such.  Is it crossing the line for the benefactor to set up rules for who gets to sit in the chair?  The Koch brothers think it's ok and so does Florida State but they did not ask the faculty.  This NPR story provides a good examination of the issues and what unfortunately may become a trend!
From the source -
Three years ago, the Charles Koch Charitable Foundation struck an agreement with Florida State to encourage the study of economic institutions and political economy.
The foundation, known for its links to conservative causes, gave the university $1.5 million to fund two faculty positions. David Rasmussen, dean of FSU's College of Social Sciences, says his school maintained control over who would teach, and what they taught.
But the grant created a special advisory board, chosen by the Koch Foundation, that has a role in choosing faculty. And that decision is leading to a world of controversy for the university.
FSU professors have assaulted the idea of giving donors any voice in choosing professors. Cary Nelson, president of the American Association of University Professors, says for years, corporations have been endowing chairs and splashing their names all over the ivory tower. As examples, he cites "The Taco Bell Distinguished Professor of Hotel and Restaurant Administration in Washington. The Lego Professor Learning and Research and the Chevron Professor of Chemical Engineering at MIT."

The link also contains audio as well as more transcript -
Colleges Receive Gifts, But Are Strings Attached? - Same story w/o embedded audio

WI 1848 Forward: Served with #Koch : #NPR : #Colleges Receive Gifts, But Are Strings Attached? : #Education #47% #99%

Farm Bureau’s Statement on DNR Proposal (code - privatize)

How can you comment on an "unreleased" DNR plan ... someone is cooking in the backroom or creatively plowing the back 40!  Comment on spin and spin it some more!  I really wanted to see the "unreleased" plan but I cannot find it? Surprise?!

From source (click on title) -

Farm Bureau’s Statement on DNR Proposal

MADISON – Paul Zimmerman, Executive Director of Governmental Relations for the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation issued the following statement regarding Governor Scott Walker’s unreleased plans for greater efficiencies at the Department of Natural Resources.

“The Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation applauds any efforts to make state government more responsive to the people it serves.  


BeHeard EasyAccess Format

JFC meeting 5/12 ... other posts ... Camera Police ... 5/18 next meeting

Part of one of the lost posts from 5/12 lost by blogger ... GAB was postponed - do not know what happened?  The reason I pointed to them is both because of Voter ID education and Recall elections - impact on their staffing / budget. - The devil is in the details ... shared revenue is where it really goes on for home rule!  GAB discussion could be fun since they may have 700000 signatures to review on a recall for Walker ... what...


Next JFC meeting agenda?

The Joint Committee on Finance will meet in Executive Session on the 2011-13 biennial budget on Wednesday, May 18, 2011, at 11:00 a.m. The meeting will be held in Room 412 East, State Capitol. The Executive Session will be held on the budgets of the following agencies:

Medical College of Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board

Department of Health Services -- SSI and Public Health

Department of Children and Families -- Departmentwide

Department of Children and Families -- Children and Families

Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection

Right-Wing Troll?

Sometimes you just think it is humor or a bad joke! They are citing an AP story but when you put up the picture of broken windows it really becomes absurd ... since I know it never happened!  Then of course the icon gives it away! - Thank you violent Wisconsin minority socialist union thugs for causing almost $300K is damage to the Wisconsin State Capital.  One of the most beautiful capitals in the United States violent Wiscon...
