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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

3/2011 - Education - Who needs local democracy - New State Bureaucracy Proposed

 2013 ... think this will come around again ?

This morning 3/22 by Susan Troller (CapTimes) Republican bill calls for a board of political appointees to authorize charter schools , no matter what you think of charter schools, is part of a flanking attack to fundamentally corporatize education.  Take away local control but make the "locals" pay for it!  From that article ... be sure and read it all! 
Under a Republican-sponsored bill, nine political appointees would get to authorize public charter schools while local school districts foot the bill. The creation of this state-wide charter school authorizing board — with members appointed by the governor and the leaders of the state Senate and Assembly — is a key provision of legislation authored by Sen. Alberta Darling of River Hills that will get a hearing on Wednesday at 10 a.m. at the Capitol before the Senate Education Committee. 

I wrote sometime ago ... (Click Title to full piece)
Today the Republican politics may seem to be about teachers and public servants but I think it is a flanking attack on public education from kindergarten to college. Force school districts to lower their standards by reducing funding for teachers, increase class size, diminish special programs, sports, arts, music, libraries, etc. so that we all give up. Parents with the means will get their kids educated and the rest can fend for themselves. This is the real strategy … see it for what it really is!

It, in slightly different form appeared in the Capitol Times - Mailbag:  Bill Gates: GOP strategy is to do away with public education

WI 1848 Forward:3/2011 WI - #Education -Who needs local #Schools democracy - New State Bureaucracy Proposed? #Walker

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