3/31 Colbert Report - Judge Sumi - wiunion - budgetrepair - video
FOIA - Prof. Cronon - some emails to be released - WSJ 4/1
3/31: WSJ 11:15am - Walker administration will comply with judge's order halting collective bargaining law
3/31 WI - (Image) 8:30am - JudgeSumi - Act 10 -not published correctly - not in effect
3/30 :Reviewing the Legal Battle Surrounding WI's Union-Busting Bill
3/30: DOA Monitoring? Open Meetings Decision
3/30: April Fool may actually be a Republican - WI Press Release
WI ~9:30am 3/29 - OpenMeetings includes Tweeting for Posterity - Lawsuits
WI - 3/29am Rev - Legislative Council Update on FitzChaos - Budget Repair - DOJ chimes in
WI - 3/27 - Krugman and Cronon - NYTimes - what do you think?
WI - Another Judge - DA Ozanne's request - Sat - FitzWalkerChaos
WI - Update 3/26 - Prof. William Cronon - 2 Million Blog hits in 24 hours
WI - Another Lawsuit - Asserts Budget Repair has Fiscal Items
WI - Upd 3/28 ~2:30pm - Laws have to be published in Official State Newspaper - WSJ
WI - Upd. - LRB vs State Secretary of State vs State Attorney General
WI - Upd.3/26 Sat - Prof. William Cronon - Academic Freedom vs FOIA (GOP request)
WI - Open Meetings lawsuit, Prosser in a bind???
WI - UPD 3/24 #2: Dane County latest filings on Open Meetings violations - Budget Repair
WI - State Attorney General - wants Open Meetings TRO appealed
WI - Out-of-State Protesters Outnumbered by Out-of-State Emails Maybe ;-} 3/21
WI - Dane County judge halts collective bargaining law 3/18/2011
WI : Dane County Lawsuit - Open Meetings Violations 3/16/2011
LN - WI : Isthmus and AP get the Walker emails claiming support
N - Wisconsin 3/14 FitzWalkerStan - Contempt in Senate
L - WI on 3/9 - The Republican Budget Vote of Shame - Protest
Wisconsin Capitol 3/9 ~6:10pm - near Assembly Chamber - Protest - Open Meetings
Wisconsin Capitol: 3/9 - just inside King St entrance ... waiting for wanding!!
Wisconsin Capitol 3/9 ~5:45pm all entrances closed except King St
3/9 now 3/29 late - Wisconsin: Ash Wednesday Walker Ambush - It Begins... update!