This same story was published on the Opinion Page of the Wisconsin State Journal this Sunday January 8th, 2017.
It has all the gimmicks -- #DogWhistlePolitics --
- Vague attempt at misdirection ... - Who? Me? We are too, for air and water!
- Claim air and water is cleaner? [Proof?]
- "Politics of Resentment" -- those folks in Madison -- those special interest lobbyists. Last time around the GOP became ever more present even though more Democrats voted ... but maybe they mean the scientists or researchers -- not vote gerrymandering and suppression.
- Calling names themselves ... taking on the environmental left? Who is this "left" ?
- Just don't want us to have jobs.
- 100 jobs in small town, fracing sand, paper mill, mining -- I think towns and villages were stripped of regulating authority ... so much for local control! Boom and bust jobs are just not desirable in the end with cleanup expenses..
- "We both relish a good fight" ... we are "masculine men" ?
- They eviscerated the DNR -- you might even say gagged them ... their website is now a joke.
Whenever they think there is pay-to-play money as in the Koch's or Gogebic they take local control to the state level.
Programs that would sustain people in small towns, rural communities, such as increased access to Medicaid, SNAP are denigrated and avoided.
Natural Resources policy needs bold change - Wisconsin State Farmer Published 12:40 p.m. CT Jan. 3, 2017 | Updated 12:41 p.m. CT Jan. 3, 2017 owned by Gannet (who owns Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
A commentary by Senator Tom Tiffany and Representative Adam Jarchow.
Have you ever met someone who wants to destroy air and water? We haven’t.
Nevertheless, despite air and water quality getting better in Wisconsin, this is the attack consistently leveled against us. We even managed to make a special interest group's "dishonor roll" and have been labeled environmental lightning rods. Why? Because we have the audacity to take on the environmental left. Perhaps it’s easier to engage in personal attacks than actually debate the issue at hand.
We both relish a good fight, but that's actually not why we engage in crafting environmental policy. Deep down, the reason we get involved in these fights is because they are incredibly important to the people we represent in rural and northern Wisconsin. While we have an abundance of natural resources, job opportunities can be very limited. Smart policies can have a dramatic impact on economic growth and job opportunities in northern Wisconsin. Why? It's a matter of scale.
Imagine if a new business opened in a suburban Milwaukee community and it provided 100 middle class jobs (loaded wage rates of $30 per hour). This would be great, but it would barely be a drop in the bucket in a vast urban metropolis. On the other hand, where we live, many communities have less than 1,000 people. Imagine if a paper mill or frac sand facility employing 100 people at that same wage rate opened in that community. It'd be huge!
Just one good business can be the lifeblood of an entire community. It’s not just the direct jobs, but it's the indirect jobs – truckers, electricians, plumbers, contractors, restaurant, and gas station owners, bankers, car dealers, realtors. Again, it's a matter of scale.
The reality is that our rural communities live or die with decisions suburban legislators make in Madison. An ill-suited, overly-restrictive rule can literally ruin a community. That's why we are so stridently opposed to Madison and Washington rules and regulations that kill job opportunities in farming, manufacturing, forestry, and tourism.
If you live downstate or in a more urban or suburban community, you may think these issues don't impact you. They do. If people in northern Wisconsin can't find family-sustaining jobs, they will be more dependent on government programs (which your tax dollars will fund) and there will also be a deficiency in our tax base, meaning you will also fund our schools. So, yes, the northern Wisconsin economy matters to you, even if you don't live there.
This session, we will continue to press for legislation that runs afoul of the dogmatic beliefs held by many so-called environmentalists. We intend to further streamline some rules and regulations and repeal those that don't make sense. It's a matter of life and death for our communities. When the attacks come from the self-proclaimed environmentalists, we hope our friends and neighbors across the rest of the state will stand with us, because it matters to you too.
3 Billionaries Invade Tiny Iron Cnty, WI ( Koch Brothers, Cline , Gogebic)
Mining company, allies spent freely to get bill approved $700,000 political contributions
#DNR - Natural Resources policy needs bold change ... Sen. Tom #Tiffany and Rep. Adam #Jarchow
#DogWhistlePolitics > #DNR - Natural Resources policy needs bold change ... Sen. Tom #Tiffany and Rep. Adam #Jarchow
#Rhinelander #DNR - Natural Resources policy needs bold change ... Sen. Tom #Tiffany and Rep. Adam #Jarchow