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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Atlantic : The Quiet GOP Campaign Against Government Regulation

Wisconsin GOP and Walker hamstringing Good Government and the People's Will

Scott Walker Set to Sign Koch Anti-Regulations Bill in Wisconsin By Steve Horn • Monday, July 10, 2017

A bill with the potential to hobble government agencies' ability to propose regulations, known as the REINS (Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny) Act, has passed in both chambers of the Wisconsin Legislature and Republican Governor Scott Walker's office has told DeSmog he intends to sign it into law.
REINS has been pushed for years at the federal level by Americans for Prosperity (AFP), the conservative advocacy group funded and founded with money from Koch Industries, and a federal version of it currently awaits a U.S. Senate vote. The House bill, H.R. 26, passed on January 5 as one of the current Congress's first actions.
Wisconsin's version mandates that if a proposed regulation causes “$10 million or more in implementation and compliance costs” over a two year period, that rule must either be rewritten or go by the wayside. Known as Senate Bill 15, the Wisconsin bill passed the state Senate on a party-line vote, 62-34 and would be the first state-level REINS bill on the books in the country.

2 mins

Perhaps we should end regulation altogether ... seems to be GOP and Republican strategy. Seems consistent with Paul Ryan's love of Ayn Rand.…/video-what-does-paulrya…

The House passed two laws that would profoundly change how federal rules are issued—and that hardly any non-lawyer knows about.

Paul Ryan reminds me of the demolition experts that claimed they could blow up the first floor without damaging the building and then were shocked when the building collapsed.  "OH! Look ACA, etc., is failing!"  Wonder why!

Trickle down Brownback, what Trump and what Ryan would do if they could!

JUN 7, 2017 12:40 PM - Sam Brownback’s trickle-down “experiment” has officially failed Kansas Republicans overturn Sam Brownback's tax cuts, reversing his signature policy proposal - SOPHIA TESFAYE

WI 1848 Forward: #Atlantic : The Quiet #GOP Campaign Against Government #Regulation ... twisted use of Cost/Benefit

WI 1848 Forward: #Atlantic : The Quiet #GOP Campaign Against Government #Regulation ... did an #ExecutiveOrder do it 

Wisconsin #GOP and #Walker hamstringing Good #Government and the People's Will ( #Corp #Reform ) - #AFP #Koch again! 

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