Riot! I don't think so!
Corrupt all the local election officials! I don't think so ... maybe some on their own!
The ANSWER! Prevent States from certifying their election results ... YES!
It may only take a few!
What can we do about it? Public Service/Education Announcements ... hit the airwaves and newspapers and the internet with 'real live election officials' showing us the process from the inside out. Publically identifying all individuals who serve in any kind of 'certifying board'.
Those boards or officials who are not willing to support PSAs or be identified should be suspect.
It is really important, even given possible harassment, that the 'officials' be known so they can be supported and kept free of intimidation.
Thousands of localities and hundreds of times before November.
How #Trump #wins in #2024 !!??? ... how to inoculate against it! Corrupt local #Certification process on up!