Georgia: Buying Immigrants and Selling Peaches!
Prisons for Profit - PBS NOW - Ideological Target - You Think?
Being a corrections officer -
#ALEC again - #Prisons and Profit - In #Wisconsin ???? #WI #GOP #1% #elites vs #47% #Latino #99%
Can A Bird Fly With Only A Right Wing?!
Motivated by the current (2011) political climate in Wisconsin it seems reasonable to devote some time and effort to comment on issues and some of the hyperbole. So we in the public should do what we can to help focus "journalists" on delineating real facts versus spin. If you accept the spin you do not understand the policy implications.
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1 comment:
I always wondered why the people who keep complaining about immigrants taking our jobs are generally people who wouldn't work those jobs anyway.
"Although volume upon volume is written to prove slavery a very good thing, we never hear of the man who wishes to take the good of it, by being a slave himself." ~Abraham Lincoln
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