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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

All This Yammering: Biden vs Trump - It's really about 'turnout' and 'truth'?

(I've modified the blog entry as of July 28, 2024 to reflect the change to Harris as the Democratic nominee for President ... all changes are in red.)

Trump is not a 'truthful' man.  Biden is.  And 'truth' implies 'trust' ... easy to believe!

Harris will be the next President in 2024, as easily as Biden, perhaps more so.   The reasons remain the same as for Biden compounded by her fresh perspective and renewed supporters.

Yammering defined ... talk continuously for a long time in a way that is annoying to other people...

All this 'yammering' is really about 'fear' by democrats (lower case intentional) that voters won't turnout to vote for Biden and against Trump.

I've looked at a lot of 'facts' to satisfy myself that the 'democrats' will win the next 'Presidential election'.

Anything I say will be disputed by someone ... at length, no matter what.

The #pundits are paid to say 'exciting' things ... so beware, don't believe they have a 'crystal ball'.  ... limited bandwidth to deal with #groupthink and #shinyObjects !

The 'Polls' are the most problematic about how confidence may wax and wane.  Her performance will jump out but still be an underestimate of overall democratic performance.  Pollsters 'sampling methods' are seldom deeply analyzed nor changed when circumstances dictate they should be changed.  Harris in the mix not only confounds Trump it confounds 'pollsters'.

WATCH THIS SPACE ... I'll gradually present my 'evolving beliefs/thoughts' that I think are relevant:

  • Harvard Youth Poll - Spring 2024
  • 7/2-7/6 national voter study on the 2024 us presidential election opens pdf in new window 
  • Presidential Lines of Succession
  • Who is third on the list of Succession?
  • Has Trump seen a 'large' bump since the debate?
  • Shall we believe POLLS tell the future.  Great Britain?  France?  The U.S.?
  • Why does Nikki Haley get 20% of GOP primary vote?
  • Dobb's Happened .... remember ROE V WADE is gone
  • Women's March - January 2017
  • Trump - Convicted Felon ... rapist ... ***** Grabber
  • Trump - Project2025

What do you think?

All This Yammering: #Biden vs #Trump - It's really about ' #turnout ' and ' #truth '?

#Women'sMarch on Washington On January 21, #2017

#Dobb's Happened .... remember ROE V WADE is gone

Why didn't #Trump see a 10% to #20% #debate bump?

Shall we believe #POLLS tell the future.  #GreatBritain?  #France?  The U.S.?

Why does Nikki Haley get 20% of GOP primary vote?

With all respect to Liz Cheney this begins to seem like a previous times ' #AnonymousLeak ', of Dick  #Cheney staff leak to the #NYTimes who then as VP increduously says look what the NY Times is reporting. #Pundits stop generalizing quoting #offtherecord

#Pundits stop generalizing and quoting #offtherecord operatives!  

7/2-7/6 #national #voter study on the 2024 us #presidential election - Amanti -Bendixen

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