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Thursday, July 18, 2024 poll: Democrats seem to feel really strongly that Trump should not be President?


When I found this image/page 'methodology' popped into my mind?  Who did they survey ... voters? No!

The answer was 'households'.  Next question was how was the blue or red ball selected ... this starts to get tricky or problematic.  That does not mean they were doing a good or bad job ... all I CAN DO IS GO HMMMM!  There is some weighting going on?

The beauty of polls ... there are so many to choose from and you can never stick your foot in the same river twice.

Most of us rely on someone to interpret the poll for us ... what do they really know - hard to know?  ... and the way things are titled/labeled ... bias ... apples to apples or apples to oranges in this case.

To me I looked at the 'Overall' category and conclude that neither Trump nor Biden should be running for President with less confidence in Biden!   Not a surprise given 'current' events.  How about in 100 days?

57% think Trump should withdraw and 71% think Biden should withdraw - 14 point difference w/o knowing confidence bounds.  Remember these are estimates from household sample not voters which is to say confidence bounds are even more uncertain.  The wider the bounds means another sample is likely to give very different 'estimates'.

At this point the 'tea leaves' have been muddled ... personally my call would be based on who do I trust to look out for 'democracy'.  That's easy ... someone with a track record of 'empathy' not someone who thinks they are a victim, judged and convicted of felonies under rule of law by their peers.

Democrats seem to feel really strongly that Trump should not be President,  Independents less so ... again we come down to turnout by these crudely 'sampled and modeled' groups.

#Project2025 should terrify you (and your loved ones) - it's not about #freedom ... 

Joe Biden withdrew July 21, 2024.

Poll poll: #Democrats seem to feel really strongly that #NotTrump should not be #President? 57% think #Trump should withdraw and 71% think #Biden should withdraw.

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