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Sunday, July 10, 2022

Facebook-funded American Edge waged a war against regulation - The Washington Post

WeaponizedWealth ... is this different than the Koch brothers and their decades of dark efforts that culminated in the TeaParty ... Zuckerberg and Facebook ?

'In advertisements and op-eds, American Edge plays on fears about the tech prowess of China, a talking point of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. The group also argues, in ominous tones, that new antitrust laws will weaken the American tech sector, hurting the tools used by minority-owned small businesses and dismantling companies that could provide a line of defense against cyberattacks from an increasingly aggressive Russia.'

Facebook quietly bankrolled small, grass-roots groups to fight its battles in Washington Records show Facebook-funded American Edge backed minority interest groups, conservative think tanks and small business groups to create the appearance of opposition by grass-roots groups to antitrust regulation By Cat Zakrzewski and Elizabeth Dwoskin May 17, 2022 at 7:00 a.m. EDT

Brennan Center vCitizens United Explained 

Janu­ary 21, 2020 will mark a decade since the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Elec­tion Commis­sion, a contro­ver­sial decision that reversed century-old campaign finance restric­tions and enabled corpor­a­tions and other outside groups to spend unlim­ited funds on elec­tions.

While wealthy donors, corpor­a­tions, and special interest groups have long had an outsized influ­ence in elec­tions, that sway has dramat­ic­ally expan­ded since the Citizens United decision, with negat­ive reper­cus­sions for Amer­ican demo­cracy and the fight against polit­ical corrup­tion.

Another message seems to be major mis-direction ... don't interfere with business.

#WeaponizedWealth ... is this different than the #Koch brothers and their decades of dark efforts that culminated in the #TeaParty ... #Zuckerberg and #Facebook ? Will we end up wit more #Zombies ? 

#CitizensUnited #WeaponizedWealth ... is this different than the #Koch brothers and their decades of dark efforts that culminated in the #TeaParty ... #Zuckerberg and #Facebook ? Will we end up with more #Zombies ? 

#CitizensUnited #WeaponizedWealth ... is this different than the #Koch brothers and their decades of dark efforts that culminated in the #TeaParty ... #Zuckerberg and #Facebook ? Corporate #DarkMoney 

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