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Sunday, June 24, 2012

VoterID is a Fraud WI PollTax Discrimination? PEW

CBS News:
Wisconsin voter ID law proved insurmountable for many voters MAY 9, 2017 / AP

MILWAUKEE -- State Sen. Mary Lazich was adamant: The bill Republicans were about to push through the Wisconsin state Senate, requiring that voters present identification at the polls, would do no harm.
"Not a single voter in this state will be disenfranchised by the ID law," Lazich promised.
Five years later, in the first presidential election held under the new law, Gladys Harris proved her wrong.
By one estimate, 300,000 eligible voters in the state lacked valid photo IDs heading into the election; it is unknown how many people did not vote because they didn't have proper identification. But it is not hard to find the Navy veteran whose out-of-state driver's license did not suffice, or the dying woman whose license had expired, or the recent graduate whose student ID was deficient -- or Harris, who at 66 made her way to her polling place despite chronic lung disease and a torn ligament in her knee.

The Pew Charitable Trusts

Pew Center on the States Good policy depends on good information.  6/14/2012

Voters Without ID in Wisconsin

From the article ....
The findings also revealed the rates of inadequate identification were significantly higher than the countywide figure among minorities but lower among white voters:
  • 14.9 percent of eligible and 11.3 percent of registered Latinos.
  • 13.2 percent of eligible and 15.3 percent of registered African-Americans.
  • 7.4 of eligible and 6.0 percent of registered Whites.
It seems to me our Republican Legislators knew exactly what they were doing.

WI 1848 Forward: #VoterID is a Fraud #WI #PollTax #Discrimination ? #PEW : #47% #WiVote #WiUnion vs #1% #Elites #GOP

WI 1848 Forward: #VoterID is a Fraud #WI #PollTax #Discrimination ? #PEW : #47% #WiVote #WiUnion vs #1% #Pridemore (he is gone) 

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