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Finger People - Universal Language - Honduras

Monday, June 27, 2022

Except for Gerrymandering, Packing, Cracking, Dark Money, Voter Suppression and Vote Count Disruption

 ... the Democrats should have an easy time maintaining and gaining greater majorities.  Did I say anything about constitutional rights of equality.  Don't forget those well regulated militias ... thank you King George.  Never should have let the "colonists" have AR-15s.

Except for #Gerrymandering , #Packing , #Cracking , #VoterSuppression and #VoteDisruption , #ElectoralCollegeReform #TurnOut 

Except for #Gerrymandering , #Packing , #Cracking , #VoterSuppression and #VoteDisruption , #ElectoralCollegeReform : #Choice or Control #TurnOut 

Except for #Gerrymandering , #Packing , #Cracking , #VoterSuppression and #VoteDisruption , #ElectoralCollegeReform : #Choice or Control - #Guns  #TurnOut 

#TurnOut - Except for #Gerrymandering , #Packing , #Cracking ,  #DarkMoney , #VoterSuppression and #VoteDisruption , #ElectoralCollegeReform : #Choice or Control - #Guns , and #VOS trying to throw #2024 to #Trump 

Democrats should have an easy time maintaining & gaining greater majorities.  Did I say anything about constitutional right to equality.  Don't forget those well regulated militias... :-} King George.  Never should have let the "colonists" have AR-15s.


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