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Finger People - Universal Language - Honduras

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A Marker: Trump removed the 60 day muzzle from Fauci and Birx about CV-19 100-200K dead by 4/30/20. Why now?

I used to tell my children that when you start to lie then I don't know when to believe you.  I start by believing you are lying.

Fortunately, in the Trump era, he can't control the world of information and interpretation by scientists.  So we have known since January he was lying or at best in denial.

The WHY? is important because he knew that Roy Cohn and now William Barr we are not going to be able to save him or his presidency.

As we speak he is more concerned about himself than he is about others.  His efforts are now directed at giving himself a "plausible deniability" excuse about waiting 60 days or more to allow the truth about COVID-19 to come out.


Anchoring ... set the number and then claim you are genius at management because it is so much lower or not exceeded.

#Pandemic - Then & Now - A Century Ago -- Is #Trump Panicked, #Fauci, NAID Director (36 years), sidelined?

A Marker: #Trump (April Fool) removed the 60 day muzzle from #Fauci (NIH) and #Birx about #CV-19 100-200K dead by 4/30/20. WHY NOW?  #Anchoring !   #CoronaVirus  #COVID-19 #Pandemic

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