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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Extraordinary Session - By Pass Open Meetings - Treat the Public Like Mushrooms

When you read the "DefendWisconsin" State Budget to be Rushed Through Extraordinary Session  implications you should panic.  Demonstrations are great but they are likely to be too late and the Republicans will get the budget through w/o significant debate and for that matter most of us will not even know what and when things are happening.  They are really trying to keep the lid on "publicity" ... counting on as Kapanke (Olsen, Darling, Hopper, et al)  that the electorate will sleep through his recall and the "establishment press" will not be able to keep up either ... and the public will sleep through this and there will be no national coverage!

Start calling and emailing and contacting your representatives now!  Some group emails for Republicans are provided below to make collective contact easier.  Here is an excerpt from the DefendWisconsin article -

Here are some of the special features of the extraordinary session:
  • No notice of hearing before a committee shall be required other than posting on the legislative bulletin board, and no bulletin of committee hearings shall be published.
  • The daily calendar shall be in effect immediately upon posting on the legislative bulletin boards. A printed calendar isn’t required.
  • Any point of order shall be decided within one hour.
  • There can be No motions to postpone action to a day or time certain.
  • Any motion to advance a proposal and any motion to message a proposal to the other house may be adopted by a majority of those present and voting.
  • The session can be expanded to include any other legislation, including new legislation.
Tell them to stop this and debate the issues and in effect to keep Open Meetings going ... none of this last minute maneuver to keep us in the dark and "feed/treat us like ...".

Access WI Legislature

Sorry it is not complete  but it does provide access to many in a group format so you can write one email and send as bcc so each gets it individually w/o disclosing other recipients .

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