Nixon got re-elected after trying "to steal political opponent research". This whole affair is known as Watergate. He did not succeed and rather it was revealed that he covered up the operation so it would not affect the upcoming Presidential election. He won.
One might say that President Trump is much more clever than President Nixon. He maintained plausible deniability by asking the Russians "to steal the political opponent research". The "Who me?" defense has worked so far.
He used "the request" of the Russians by itself to characterize his opponent "as corrupt" without any kind of trial or judicial process.
We have an election coming up. Same scenario or a difference? Seems the "plot" was uncovered far before the election this time. President Trump has been much more clever than President Nixon.
Now we are all suppose to wait while President Trump pursues his re-election by whatever means he can. Money? Voter Suppression? Ballot Stealing? Coercing or Inviting Foreign Interference?
#Trump vs #Nixon #Impeachment - Any Difference? #TrumpImpeachment #NixonImpeachment
#Trump vs #Nixon #Impeachment - Any Difference? #TrumpImpeachment #NixonImpeachment #Insurgence #Sedition

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