Facebook supports Cispa cyber-security bill
Who is spying on whom ... another run at it?
___________We should all be concerned ... guilty until proven innocent! SOPA and PIPA will prevent us from sharing information with each other!
"Inversion of the burden of proof"
"Hand out water that is not wet ... DMCA?"
So what does this have to do with Google vs NPR and Privacy ....??
In Firefox you are being tracked (approximately unless you opt-out) ... from there FAQ ...
In Google Search you are being tracked ... you can supposedly generalize it ... but given what they use to approximately locate you ... I really do not believe them?!
To provide you with the most relevant results, Google attempts to automatically detect your location and customize results based on that detected location. A location that's labeled "Auto-detected" is chosen based on the following factors:
- Your IP address
- Google Toolbar's My Location feature. If you have Google Toolbar installed and have the My Location feature
enabled, your approximate location (if detected) will be used to customize your search results. If you don't want Toolbar to attempt to determine your approximate location, you can turn off My Location
IS THIS THE WAY YOU WANT IT? Fess up ... this all about competing for advertising and marketing $$$$$$$.
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