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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Would you prefer a Recession? Have you lost your job?

Inflation is a personal experience.  The price of gas.  How and how far you commute to work.  The price of bread.  How much is your personal inflation rate and after the purchase do you have any discretionary income. 

Losing your job is the way corporations and/or companies fight inflation. They fire you because inflation hawks insist on high interest rates and product/services prices go up.

Balance and realism.  What do you really need?

Discretionary income is what a household or individual has to invest, save, or spend after necessities are paid.

I doubt that Musk or Bezos or even Putin notice.  A recession is uniformly experienced by the economically disadvantaged or those about to become uniformly disadvantaged - the bottom half of the income distribution - not the wealthy!

The economic narratives we hear don't really tell us the right story.  The number of jobs available and the resistance of those returning to work tells us what the pandemic has taught us.


In the weeds ... the concept of elasticity applied to economics and consumerism.  Demand for 'things' is elastic ... we can pick and choose so long as we have income or wealth. Supply these days is inelastic ... we have trouble finding what we want to buy!

Wealth inequality video goes viral

Would you prefer a #Recession ?  Would you prefer to be #Unemployed ? Are you #Poor or #Wealthy ? Have you ever received #UnemploymentCompensation ?

Have you lost your job? Inflation is elastic (no real impact) for the #Wealthy . Would you prefer a #Recession ? Would you prefer to be #Unemployed ? Are you #Poor or #Wealthy ? #GOP States always want to cut benefits to the #Umemployed

Wealth inequality video goes viral!  Are you #Poor or #Wealthy? 

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