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Monday, March 17, 2025

Bottom-Up Is The Only Way To Preserve Democracy - Top-Down Is Always Elitist and Exclusive

Bottom-Up Is The Only Way To Preserve Democracy 

Be honest the voting public is fairly evenly divided.  There seems to be two edges on the current division that may be pursuable to vote in one group or another.  These are, the euphemistically the independents.

Which way they vote is incredibly important!

Can we assume they vote selfishly in their own interest unless they understand a broader message.

The House of Representatives is a disaster either way, left or right.  The GOP has given its vote to the top-down elites.  The Democrats sat on their hands because they didn't think Trump-Johnson could pull off a CR (Continuing Resolution) budget.  Now the House Democrats blame the Senate Democrats for the budget.

That's the wrong focus.  The budget is what it is.

The Democrats can build a bottom-up consensus coalition.  How?

Townhall meetings, creating that bottom-up consensus and understanding that top-down always only serves a few.  

There needs to be a drive to show that even if those of us in the bottom 95% have more in common with each other than we do with the elite 5%.  The 5% elite is using it's megaphone to confuse and mislead us.

The elite version of selfish interest says if you don't have the money you can't have a secure life.  That is the message!!!!

Democrats ... fan out and do Townhall Meetings relentlessly!  When the GOP sees the effect they will start to waver on supporting Trump ... so will Trump!  The locals will create their grass-roots

Bottom-Up Is The Only Way To Preserve Democracy - Top-Down Is Always Elitist and Exclusive

Townhall meetings - Bottom-Up Is The Only Way To Preserve Democracy - Top-Down Is Always Elitist and Exclusive

Townhall meetings Relentlessly - Bottom-Up Is The Only Way To Preserve Democracy - Top-Down Is Always Elitist and Exclusive

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