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Thursday, November 7, 2019

Medicare For All - KERFUFFLE

Lots of ideas start and/or end with some sort of tag or label.

"Medicare For All" is one such tag and whoever introduced it I'm sure meant it "positively".  Now it is being construed or conflated with all kinds of negative tags.

Denial of choice.  You are only one step away from government takeover!

We can't afford it is another common refrain.

I'm still stuck back at the basic idea that "everyone deserves equal access to healthcare".  What does that mean?  Does it mean if you have the money you can have access?

There are other things going on with healthcare - personal/family bankruptcies, unnecessary suffering, premature deaths.  What causes these problems?

How should clinics and hospitals be sited? Discriminate against rural populations?  How come some physicians have three or more offices.  How many MRI or CAT SCAN facilities do we need in a city?

Why are drugs so expensive, e.g., here in the U.S. but not Canada?

Clean Air? Pure Water? Climate Change?

The discussion is needed.  What we mean by Medicare For All embodies a concept or idea.  How we choose to define it or implement it is downstream.  A consensus will emerge if the fear mongers and immoral are recognized for what they are.


More than a third of U.S. healthcare costs go to bureaucracy - Linda Carroll

(Reuters Health) - U.S. insurers and providers spent more than $800 billion in 2017 on administration, or nearly $2,500 per person - more than four times the per-capita administrative costs in Canada’s single-payer system, a new study finds.

Medicare For All - #KERFUFFLE #MedicareForAll #Sanders #Warren #HealthCare

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