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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Bill Moyers> Interactive Map: Is Your State Legislator in ALEC grasp ?

Bill Moyers

Interactive Map: Is Your State Legislator a Member of ALEC?

Many of the laws that affect us most directly — from taxes to marriage equality to voter ID — are made at the state level. The idea that change begins with the states is one of the founding principles of the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC. In state houses around the country, hundreds of ALEC “model laws” are proposed or enacted that would, among other things, dilute collective bargaining rights, make it harder for some Americans to vote and limit corporate liability for harm caused to consumers.
Is your representative a member of ALEC? ALEC claims that nearly 2,000 state legislators are members, but doesn’t disclose their names. The Center for Media and Democracy, on their ALEC Exposed site, has a wiki listing nearly 1,000 legislators they believe to be ALEC members. Click on the map or enter your city or street address below (and hit ENTER) to see if your representatives are on the list. If no results are found for your district, help us complete the map by calling your representatives and asking if they belong to ALEC. Then let us know what they say using the pop-up form below, or simply email:
(UPDATE: This map was updated on June 20, 2013 to reflect new information collected from our users and through the ALEC Exposed wiki after the 2012 election. We’ve also incorporated new districting information from Open States. But we still need your help fact checking and keeping it up to date! Email us if you find any errors or gather any new information.)

Wisconsin Legislators with ALEC Ties (and other states)



Bill #Moyers> Interactive Map: Is Your State Legislator in #ALEC grasp? #1% #elites vs #47% #VoterID WI 1848 Forward

Bill #Moyers> Interactive Map: Is Your State Legislator in #ALEC grasp? #1% #elites > #NHPolitics vs #47% 

Bill #Moyers> Interactive Map: Is Your State Legislator in #ALEC grasp? #PayToPlay #1% #elites #Moral <> $ vs #47%

CapTimes > Solidarity Sing Along Arrests - Walker as Ruler

From CapTimes 7/27/2013

Arrests of protesters continued for the third straight day Friday at the state Capitol, suggesting a renewed effort by Gov. Scott Walker’s administration to silence the ad-hoc “Solidarity Sing Along” group is doing little to stop the daily event. A Friday arrest count was not immediately available but the number of people handcuffed and taken away by Capitol Police officers over the lunch hour appeared to be less than the roughly 25 people arrested on both Wednesday and Thursday. Among those arrested was the Rev. Carter Dary, a retired Lutheran minister. Dary and Philip Gerboc, a friar with the Great Lakes Region of the Old Catholic Church, kicked off the singalong Friday by getting down on their knees and saying a prayer. The two took turns denouncing the actions of the administration.
Read more:

WI 1848 Forward: > Arrests - as Ruler -

Monday, July 22, 2013

Granito : Death Threats & Guatemalan Anthropologist

From Facebook 7/22/2013 - Marathon of Shame - U.S. Foreign Policy Fallout

Granito: How to Nail a Dictator shared a link.

  • Their message ... pls spread the word

    DEATH THREAT PROTEST: La Fundación Contra el Terrorismo is targeting Guatemalan anthropologist Irmalicia Velásquez Nimatuj (Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin). Her tireless work for the poor, especially Mayan people, has attracted their wrath. Dra. Velásquez fears for her life. Please send a protest letter -or better yet, from your institution, association, etc.- to elPeri®odico at
    The more we protest the more protected Dr. Velásquez might be. Thank you

WI 1848 Forward: #Granito :DeathThreats& #Guatemalan Anthropologist #Latino #Montt #Kerry #Obama #Guatemala #Genocide