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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Yahoo Censoring Emails That Provide Links To Wall Street Occupation from Irregular Times

What do you think ... what is the best approach to getting Yahoo's attention ... assuming the claims are true?!  Click the title to see the full story.

“Your message was not sent. Suspicious activity has been detected on your account. To protect your account and our users, your message has not been sent.
If this error continues, please contact Yahoo! Customer Care for further help.
We apologize for the inconvenience”
Suspicious activity? What was the suspicious activity? I did a series of tests, sending emails in different ways, with and without extra text, with the http prefix and with the https prefix, and I could not get the web site address through.
Then, I tried sending a variety of other emails containing links to other web sites – large, corporate web sites and small, new web sites that don’t have any security certificates. None of these messages were blocked.
The problem seems to be with the web site in particular. For some reason, Yahoo has created a code that prevents people from emailing each other the link to the OccupyWallStreet web site.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Democracy Convention, Madison WI Aug. 2011

Sample sessions ... from cover introduction ...
More than one conference, this first Democracy Convention houses nine conferences under one roof. As the great Wisconsin progressive Fighting Bob La Follette said, “democracy is a life,” and “involves constant struggle” in all sectors of society. With the 2011 Democracy Convention, we recognize the importance of each of these separate democracy struggles, as well as the need to unite them all in a common, deeply rooted, broad based, movement for democracy.

I had the pleasure of being there and assisting, along with many others, the Media Coordinator, Cristalyne Bell collect as much audio and video as we could with very little time to get prepared.  WORT radio, Norm Stockwell, Patrick Waring  were absolutely the best a community could have in their contribution of time and technical assistance.

Democracy Convention Media

Friday, September 16, 2011

NYT: Approval of Congress Matches Record Low By ALLISON KOPICKI 9/16

I find the word "slightly" to have different meaning in the New York Times ...

Voters are slightly more disapproving of the Republicans in Congress than they are of the Democrats, with just 19 percent approving of Republicans, compared with 28 percent that approve of Democrats.

It's like Walker calling the ~25% of voting age population who voted for him as Governor an overwhelming majority!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

#TED - So you want to bring about change!? #ows

How about applying to more effective voter canvassing ... any ideas?

WI 1848 Forward: #TED - So you want to bring about change!? #ows #47% #99% #edu

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

BBC - Number of Americans in poverty hits record high

The number of Americans living in poverty rose to a record 46.2 million last year, official data has shown.
This is the highest figure since the US Census Bureau started collecting the data in 1959.
In percentage terms, the poverty rate rose to 15.1%, up from 14.3% in 2009.
The US definition of poverty is an annual income of $22,314 (£14,129) or less for a family of four and $11,139 for a single person.
The number of Americans living below the poverty line has now risen for four years in a row, while the poverty rate is the biggest since 1993.
Poverty among black and Hispanic people was much higher than for the overall US population last year, the figures also showed.
The Census Bureau data said 25.8% of black people were living in poverty and 25.3% of Hispanic people.
Its latest report also showed that the average annual US household income fell 2.3% in 2010 to $49,445.

The above from the BBC (click title) as I listen to WisconsinEye broadcast a discussion in the legislature where the Republicans (Vos in particular) claims they have done a great deal to create jobs.  Fred Clark now speaking contradicting Vos - you have ladled out tax cuts but not create jobs.

#BBC - Number of Americans in #poverty hits record high : #Inequality #VotedId

PolitiScoop: 9/12 Walker Handcuffs GAB - To Hide Campaign Money

"WI Assembly Camera Flash Mob, Protect Your Rights and Shed Some Light

Unfortunately ... more of the same ... Wisconsin .. PolitiScoop reports on Monday 9/12 ... see rally information at end of article ... (click title) -

Essentially the JCRAR is saying "Koch Brothers open your check books, Wisconsin Republicans are open for business". The website had this to say

" When we caught wind of legislation to block GAB’s disclosure rules and then tie the agency’s hands, a member of our staff contacted the office of JCRAR co-chair Jim Ott to get a copy and find out the committee’s plans. One of Ott’s staffers rudely blew off the inquiry. When pressed for a copy of the bill, Ott’s aide barked “we’re not trying to hide anything.” Well, then you won’t mind e-mailing us a copy of the bill. Here’s the address. “OK, I just sent it,” claimed the aide. No e-mail ever came."  ...
The committee hastily voted on strict party lines to move the bill forward, but not before chairman Ott ordered police intervention to stop a young man from filming the proceedings with a camcorder. The man was causing no disturbance; in fact, he said not a word. But still his behavior could not be tolerated. Not one, not two, not three but four uniformed and armed police officers were summoned to handle this breach of peace.

Monday, September 12, 2011

PBS Need To Know ...on the world of modern-day slavery 8/5/2011

Need To Know - PBS

Benjamin Skinner on the world of modern-day slavery

Watch the full episode. See more Need To Know.

WSJ: #VoterID :Allowing stickers on student IDs approved by #GAB

9/11/11 - Wisconsin Voter ID: The very last sentence of this article ... a very purposeful legislature ... why do you think they did it?

Don't get confused ... this is not now?

The Legislature specifically disallowed IDs from technical colleges to be used. 
 From earlier in article -
The Government Accountability Board decided Monday to allow for the stickers on student IDs under the law taking effect next year requiring photo identification at the polls. 

Recovery Economics Boiled Down - Journalists are not Economic Savants

It really is that simple. The problem is not regulation, taxes, or uncertainty, the problem was that the stimulus was not big enough or long enough. As it is, we are sitting around watching our national leaders debate why the water that they heated to 160 degrees is not boiling. This is getting really painful.

I love this paragraph which came at the end of an article  -

Another Lesson on National Income Accounting for Robert Samuelson

from  CEPR, Center for Economic and Policy Research

The problem is that the title of the article and organization name scares most people off.  Pity Robert Samuelson ... who I guess is a journalist writing about economic policy or should I say making up narratives about that which he knows not.  This one page article is easy to understand with or without an education in economics.  Read IT!

 John Boehner, after his presentation today (9/15) should read it too!

WI 1848 Forward: Recovery Economics Boiled Down - #Journalists are not Economic Savants #47% #99% #ows 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Upd 9/18/11:Paul Ryan mocks protestor ... "hope he takes blood pressure medicine" video

Would Paul Ryan make your blood pressure medicine more or less affordable?

Paul Ryan quoted in NYTimes on the Obama plan ... 9/18
Representative Paul D. Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee and a leading proponent of cutting spending on benefit programs like Medicare, said the proposal would weigh heavily on a stagnating economy.
On “Fox News Sunday,” Mr. Ryan said it would add “further instability to our system, more uncertainty, and it punishes job creation.”
“Class warfare,” he said, “may make for really good politics, but it makes for rotten economics.”

Obama to Offer Plan to Cut Deficit by Over $3 Trillion

WI 1848 Forward:v2 9/18/11:Paul #Ryan mocks protestor - "hope he takes blood pressure medicine" #AARP #47% #99%

WI 1848 Forward:v2 9/18/11:Paul #Ryan mocks protestor - "hope he takes blood pressure medicine" #AARP #Janesville

CNBC's Santelli asks Friedman (NYT, author) if he still beats his dog!!

When I saw this article in my edition I almost ignored it but in looking at the comments on YouTube I decided it was important to comment on as well.  The title of my post says it best!  Santelli went for the headline and drama (once again) and ignored what Social Security is all about. He did not address the contribution issue, the age issue, the coverage issue, the eligibility issue, instead he went negative.  He associated words with negative connotations and framed a question that was answered by Friedman and then proceeded to disagree with the answer ... which he must have intended to do from the start.

Friedman did not say that Santelli was an idiot he said the question was idiotic ...

Santelli & NYT's Friedman Call Each Other "Idiots" Over Social Security "Ponzi Scheme" 

Friday, September 9, 2011

CapTimes: League of Women Voters Sue Walker and the Legislature

Go back 91 years ... would Governor Scott Walker allow women to vote ... I don't think so!

Ninety-one years ago, women won the right to vote with the passage of the 19th Amendment. Without being able to participate in the election of their state and federal officials, the women suffragists found support — and ultimately the votes they needed — in Congress and state houses across the land. Then they created the League of Women Voters to educate voters and affect public policy through citizen education and advocacy.
With such a history, it is no wonder that the league is now concerned about the many eligible citizens who will be disenfranchised by Wisconsin's new voter ID law. We can't imagine what we, the people of Wisconsin, have done to deserve the most restrictive voting law in the nation. That is why we are challenging Wisconsin's new law, while also helping citizens to obtain a voting ID if they do not have one.

NYT: 538 - Surveys - Question Form Change Answer

Nate Silver does a great job warning us and the "press" how easily they are spun without ever knowing they are even in spin cycle of the washing machine!

‘Jobs, Jobs, Jobs’ versus the S-word 9/9

My takeaway (near the bottom of the atricle) -

We’re likely to see a real semantic scrum over the next few weeks as partisans seek to define the territory that the bill [Jobs] occupies. Pollsters, whether knowingly or not, will be a part of that battle. I would advise them to use multiple question variants where possible, taking a larger sample and splitting it into halves or thirds, and I would advise readers to be suspicious of articles that cherry-pick one or two polls without discussing the broader context.

WI 1848 Forward: #NYT: #538 column - #Surveys - Question Form Change Answer #politics