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Monday, January 27, 2014

In U.S., 67% Dissatisfied With Income, Wealth Distribution - Gallup & PEW 1/27/14

Satisfaction With Income and Wealth Distribution in the U.S., January 2014

Go to story   State of the Nation

... President Barack Obama spoke about income disparities in a Dec. 4, 2013, speech, saying he wanted to prioritize lowering income disparity and increasing opportunities, particularly for the poor, during the rest of his second term. He most likely will return to that topic in his State of the Union speech at the end of the month. Gallup's Jan. 5-8 Mood of the Nation survey included a question asking Americans how satisfied they are with income and wealth distribution in the U.S. Few, 7%, report that they are "very satisfied" with the distribution, while 39% of Americans say they are "very dissatisfied." ...
#99% #47% WI 1848 Forward: In U.S., 67% Dissatisfied With Income, Wealth Distribution #Elites - #Gallup & #PEW #1% 

#99% #47% WI 1848 Forward: In U.S., 67% Dissatisfied With Income, Wealth Distribution #Elites - #Gallup & #PEW #1% - Fast Forward #2024 #election still true 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The world's 85 richest people own as much as the 3,500,000,000 poorest people: OXFAM Report via NPR

World Population Projections   (underline are links to source)

Oxfam: World's Richest 1 Percent Control Half Of Global Wealth

... Other key findings in the report:
— The world's 85 richest people own as much as the poorest 50 percent of humanity. 
— 70 percent of the world's people live in a country where income inequality has increased in the past three decades. 
— In the U.S., where the gap between rich and poor has grown at a faster rate than any other developed country, the top 1 percent captured 95 percent of post-recession growth (since 2009), while 90 percent of Americans became poorer.

#Immoral #Elites #1% WI 1848 Forward: World's 85 richest own as much as 3.5 BiLLion poorest: #OXFAM Report - #NPR - 7 billion world pop

#Elites #1% WI 1848 Forward: World's 85 richest people own as much as the 3,500,000,000 poorest: #OXFAM Rep. - #NPR - 7 billion world pop

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Advice for Chris Christie from Thomas Jefferson

I think Tom was a "liberal progressive" ....

“The purpose of government is to enable the people of a nation to live in safety and happiness. Government exists for the interests of the governed, not for the governors.”

― Thomas Jefferson

Chris Christie documents reveal anger, chaos over bridge scandal

#99% #47% #OWS #VoterID WI 1848 Forward: Advice for Chris #Christie [ #1% #Elites #Inequality] from Thomas #Jefferson