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Friday, April 20, 2012

What will happen when #Walker wins the #wiRecall!?

This note is fiction at the present.  I am sure none of us want this to become fact!  But think about the future!

State Senator Glenn Grothman, District 20, is appointed by Governor Walker as the new head of DHS (Wisconsin Department of Health Services).  The disappearance of many women is reported immediately.  There is speculation they have been sequestered for their own safety at TAYCHEEDAH CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION.
Media reports indicate that Secretary Grothman ordered the move in-conjunction Stephen Fitzgerald, father of two infamous Wisconsin Legislators (Scott and Jeff), currently head of Wisconsin State Patrol (appointed by Walker in 2011) and recently appointed to head of the Wisconsin National Guard (following Walker's recall victory).  The round  up of single women started almost immediately.
Governor Walker signed an Executive Order authorizing the move.  Coincidentally this Executive Order is very similar to legislation that former Senator Grothman proposed in the last legislative session - that single parents (but just women) should be investigated for child abuse and or neglect.
Coming on the heals of Act 217 requiring three doctor visits by women seeking abortions the State GOP applauded the move.  The argument goes like, "if we get these child abusers off the streets and in custody no one will want or need an abortion and we will keep health care costs under control."

What can you imagine ... more later!!?

There are reports that camera and video equipment is being confiscated by the National Guard at check points set up on all major highways leading into the stateThose observed using such equipment nearby State Patrol or Army National Guard personnel are having their equipment confiscated as well.

St. Sen Glen #Grothman commits another "grosse" act ... Search YouTube 


St. Sen. Glen Grothman ... quite a guy 


Real Enemy's of the State : WI & GOP ... camera shy


#Walker As Ruler or Rule Maker #50 Exec. Order

What will happen when #Walker wins the #wiRecall!? #Grothman #wiVote #WiUnion Prisons 4 $ Schools 4 $ Pollution 4 $  

What will happen when wins the !?

What will happen when #Walker wins the #wiRecall!? #Grothman #wiVote #WiUnion #Akin #Santorum #Pridemore 

What will happen when #Walker wins the #wiRecall!? #Grothman #wiVote #WiUnion #AARP #NOW #NARAL

What will happen when #Walker wins the #wiRecall!? #Grothman #wiVote #WiUnion #AARP #NOW #NARAL

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