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Monday, April 30, 2012

Another #ALEC : Great Lakes Legal Foundation #GLLF

Ironically the Great Lakes Legal Foundation does provide access to useful information.  But read between the lines before you buy into them being non-profit ...

First ... who is on their Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Chairman – James A. Buchen
Senior Vice President, Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce
FYI - WMCWatch
Vice Chairman – Raymond P. Taffora
Michael Best & Friedrich LLP

President & General Counsel – Robert I. Fassbender
The Hamilton Consulting Group, LLC

Secretary and Treasurer – Nickolas C. George
President, Midwest Food Processors Association Inc.

Anyone recognize any of the firms or people ... think redistricting if nothing else .. Latino and other voter disenfranchisement!

Next examine the slant or spin in some of the language from their website
The Great Lakes Legal Foundation (GLLF) is a non-profit legal foundation providing legal and policy expertise to advance economic growth and increase job opportunities in the upper Midwest. We work with our partners to develop sound policies or challenge the ill-conceived.
From their Media Center ... seems to suggest this is all "good news" ...

Press Releases

Natural Resources Board Unanimously Votes to Repeal Outdated TSP Standard: Great Lakes Legal Foundation, June 23, 2011


News Articles

Environmentalists decry axing of larger particulates rule: Wisconsin Public Radio, June 23, 2011. The DNR Board has approved scrapping a rule that environmental groups say helped people breathe in Wisconsin.
Justices Rebuff States on Utilities’ Gas Emissions: The New York Times, June 20, 2011. The Supreme Court on Monday unanimously rejected a lawsuit that had sought to force major electric utilities to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions without waiting for federal regulators to act.
U.S. Supreme Court blocks federal lawsuit on greenhouse gas emissions: St. Paul Pioneer Press, June 20, 2011. The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday said the Environmental Protection Agency has the authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, blocking a federal lawsuit by states and conservation groups that were trying to force cuts in power plant emissions. Minneapolis-based Xcel Energy, one of five utilities targeted in the suit, welcomed the ruling, saying it looks forward to working with the EPA on regulations on carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases without the threat of more lawsuits.
Consumers' electric bills likely to spike as coal plants close: Chicago Tribune, June 11, 2011. As stricter environmental regulations approach, some power generators are choosing to shutter their coal-fired plants.
Great Lakes cleanup requests flood Environmental Protection Agency: Green Bay Press Gazette, May 15, 2011.
 An excerpt rom their Resources page ... and this is "bad news"?

The EPA's Regulatory Train Wreck

The Environmental Protection Agency will develop and finalize multiple rules over the next several years that will dramatically impact the air, water, and energy regulatory climate. This unprecedented level of activity will be mirrored at the state level since each federal regulation will trigger the promulgation of state rules to implement the standards. Studies have shown these rules will have an impact on the overall economy, jobs, competitiveness, and energy costs. Resources related to the "Train Wreck" are available here.

Badger Democracy "Blogging in Black" #GLLF == #ALEC

WI 1848 Forward: Another #ALEC : Great Lakes Legal Foundation #GLLF #Gogebic Fill in the streams #Fassbender

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