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Finger People - Universal Language - Honduras

Monday, November 25, 2013

Letter(s) to Governor Walker - Two Author's Different Journey

The Struggle Goes On: 6/10/2015  Don’t Cut Long-Term Care, Save It The elderly and disabled deserve better By Steven Salmon

Gov. Scott Walker’s budget proposes to privatize the long-term care system, which would have dire consequences for people with disabilities and the elderly.
It would lower care attendants’ wages, making the care profession undesirable as a job. There is already a shortage of care attendants when the care profession is one of the fastest growing jobs in America. Doesn’t Wisconsin need jobs?
Walker’s plan would eliminate a client’s right to interview, hire and fire their attendants. In the long run the governor’s new long-term care plan would create waiting lists for the elderly and the disabled, costing the state more revenue. Inevitably, people with disabilities and the elderly would end up living in institutions hiding these special people in closets. Is this how Wisconsin treats the disabled?

Update: Second Letter March 19th, 2015 - Can Home Health Care be Saved ...See Isthmus article, March 19-25, 2015,Vol. 40, No. 11, Madison, Wisconsin 

page 23 - A tale of perseverance by Mary Ellen Bell


You are an inspiration to all. Keep up the good fight and enjoy your well deserved vacation! Nearly 20,000 views on your video. Keep telling your story.

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 10:01 PM, Steven Salmon <> wrote:

Please read an Isthmus article today about a CP author who uses Morse code to write since he is unable to use his hands.  In fact he edited two manuscripts in three months.  One manuscript is a middle grade represented by the Purcell Agency and the other manuscript is an adult fiction.  Amazing! 
Dear State of Wisconsin and Governor Walker,
My name is Steven Salmon.  A real author with severe Cerebral palsy.  I have three published books and soon to be a fourth book published.  I use Morse code to write since I can't use my hands tapping one letter at a time making my dream come true.  Forward right, Governor!  ? Your right to work is destroying home health care.  People don't want to work for eleven dollars to hour to care for the disabled in their homes. During the last six weeks I had only one interview that fell apart!  My only other attendant has picked up more hours, but he has another client and deserves a break.  CLA is at fault, but needs more revenue to pay attendants a decent wage to live to care for the disabled.  I lost one of the best care attendants that I ever had because of low pay.  No one applies for jobs at the Community Living Alliance to be care attendants.  The one On Call injured worker covering one thousand clients who can't even roll over a person in bed or run the hoyer.  My seventy five year old mother has to do everything.  Meanwhile I keep moving onward making my dream happen working after midnight.  Day after day I write wondering will I end up in a home watching TV all day.  Should I give up because the State is too cheap to care?  Giving up isn't an option.  Sorry, Governor.  I'm going to be a thorn in your side while you go mud raking across the country with the Kock's brothers' money.  You're going to fail, Governor!  I will bet a book on it!  A talented educated physically disabled person like me needs and deserves the best care that the State can provide.  I will always be just a number to the system.  Only a few see the fire burning in the distance at night. 
If I had offended someone with this email, I'm sorry.  That wasn't my intention.  I never want to hurt people like the second best attendant, my "partner" and my disabled advocates.   I'm thinking like a writer here not a disabled person.  I know a lot of people are going to read our blog in the next several weeks.  This is an opportunity to educate and inform people.  I'm helping CLA not attacking it.  Trina will agree.  I don't hear that I can't write this.  My people understand what I'm doing  with this email.  Steve
I'll be out of the office until Monday.  I have wanted to say that!  Basketball calls.  Enjoy the article.  Ask yourself how much time I put in the article while you are reading it and that's why I  deserve the best care.  Thank you. 

The First Letter:

This letter was passed on to me by a friend of Steve Salmon.  I know Steve but not as well as my friend.  One of the things that Steve fails to mention is that he is also the star of a video in addition to being one of the most dedicated to writing and hardest working people I have ever met.  He has written six books - most of us even if we have a great story and are a good storyteller/writer find it too easy to never really start.

Here is Steve's letter including a preamble to friends.  It is followed by a video that tells more of the story!

Happy Thanksgiving to you.  I couldn't pass this up!  I had fun writing it.  Maybe one of you can get it to the Governor.  I will get there someday.  Show this to people.  Thank you.  Steve
Please post.  Thank you.  Steve 
Dear Governor Walker, 
Congratulations on your book!  That's quite an accomplishment!  Several questions that I want to ask you.  How long did it take you to write the book?  How many hours do you write a day?  How many books do you plan to write?  Did you write the book or did hire a ghostwriter?  Do you have a literary agent?  How did you get on TV?  What is the secret?  Do you have ebooks?  Is your book in bookstores?  Did you take out a grant to do publicity?  Did you self published?  It's hard being an author plus being the Governor!  
My name is Steven Salmon.  I'm the Cerebral palsy author of three published books.  Currently, I'm writing my sixth books using Morse code to write since I'm unable to use my hands.  I write each day for eight hours a day.  I have a literary agent.  I beat you on that one!  But you don't need a literary agent.  You're a publicity magnet attracting the news media everywhere you go.  The media ignores me.  I have two manuscripts ready to send out publishers, but I don't have money to do publicity.  I have to buy my own books to put in local bookstores on consignment.  You can buy autographed copies of my books for fifteen dollars at the UW Bookstore in the Wisconsin author secton.  It costs me two hundred dollars to have my books convert to ebooks.  No disabled organization will help me finance publicity.  A grant costs six hundred dollars to apply for a grant.  I can't afford that.  It makes me feel small and insignificant.  You expect disabled people to work.  Then you cut Medicaid limiting opportunities for people with disabilities.  You should be ashamed of yourself being a parent of a disabled child.  Good luck running for Governor and president.  An author will be watching trying to remind people of shameful policies.  Then you'll have all of the time to write another book.  This time write it yourself!

Steven Salmon from Cristalyne Bell on Vimeo.

There is also a YouTube version that by now - April 2016 has been viewed > ~23500 times!  End of December 1, 2017 -- 30,000+ views.

11/11/11 #Medicaid: Death by a 1K Cuts or 10K or More - Making It Personal

Ltr to Gov. #Walker :Two Author's Different Journey #Medicaid #CerebralPalsy -by MorseCode -

Ltr to Gov. #Walker :Two Author's Different Journey #Medicaid #CerebralPalsy -by MorseCode - #wwJd #99% vs #elites

Ltrs to Gov. #Walker :Home Care Being Destroyed #Medicaid #CerebralPalsy -by MorseCode -

#Moral ? WI 1848 Forward: Gov. #Walker ’s budget war >dire consequences for people with #disabilities & #elderly

Ltr to Gov. #Walker (man of character - NOT) - #99% vs #elites #Trump :Two Author's Different #Moral Journey #CerebralPalsy - by Ghost Author or MorseCode?  #GreenBay  #Kenosha #Racine #LaCrosse #EauClaire #StevensPoint

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Honduran Elections & After Story 2013 : on the ground reporting

Evolving updates ...

Honduras has unfortunately been the poster child for how "good intentions" can be corrupted by "hidden agendas".  Hope springs eternal - only by keeping the spotlight on the problems of "maintaining democracy" in Latin America and highlighting past transgressions and politic-ides if not genocides can we ever expect change.

From ... more links in the stories

Recent Posts

Honduran Elections 2013

From the blog ...

With just a few days left until the elections, Honduras is alive with propaganda, political debates and campaigners.  Driving down any road in the country one sees telephone posts and billboards covered in campaign posters.
Xiomara campaign propaganda
As one would expect, the biggest posters and most propaganda seem to be coming from the hyper-conservative, corporate party, Partido Nacional.  But what is surprising and exciting in this election is that the corporate parties are not leading in the polls.
Partido LIBRE, newly created by ousted president Manuel Zelaya, is widely supported by the rural poor, the indigenous and the working class of Honduras and is currently leading in the polls.  Its policies include re-implementing modest reforms from Zelaya’s time in office, including raising minimum wage and supporting a land redistribution program.  The party is also pushing to convene a national assembly to rewrite the constitution.  Xiomara Castro de Zelaya, wife of the former president, is LIBRE’s presidential candidate.

Is Honduras On the Brink of Change? New Elections Could Restore Leftists to Power

#Honduran #Elections 2013 :on the ground reporting: -Marathon of Foreign Policy Shame

#Honduran #Elections 2013 :on the ground reporting: - #Kerry #Obama

#Honduran #Elections 2013 :on the ground reporting: - #Kerry #Latino

#Honduran #Elections 2013 :on the ground reporting: - #HumanRights

#Honduran #Elections 2013 :on the ground reporting: - #PalmOil

#Honduran #Elections & After Story 2013 : on the ground reporting - Who really won? #Latino  #campesinos

Monday, November 11, 2013

US Pop: Ideologically Conservative and Operationally Liberal

This story is a long read ... but ironic on so many levels.

The take sum up -------

Tea Partyers ranting “Keep the government’s hands off my Medicare!” may seem comical — but they also show just how broad a true consensus can be.  In fact, they reflect two central (but routinely ignored) facts of American public opinion that have remained remarkably stable since the 1960s, despite all that’s changed since then:

Tea Party shocker: Even right-wingers become liberals when they turn off Fox News

America's center is to the left, and even Tea Partyers are liberals when they turn off Rush and learn real facts


WI 1848 Forward:US Pop: Ideologically #Conservative and Operationally #Liberal - it's a 1% #elites Paul #Ryan plot

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Great - Fracking - Oil - Gas - right where the only recent Ground Water may be in surplus

USA - A Decade of Water

November 1, 2013

CREWs’ report, Natural Cash, shows fracking industry contributions flow to congressional candidates from fracking districts.

Texas family plagued with ailments gets $3M in 1st-of-its-kind fracking judgment

WI 1848 Forward: Great - #Fracking - #Oil - #Gas - right where the only recent #GroundWater may be in surplus vs #1%

#Fracking #1% WI 1848 Forward: Bad News - #Oil - #Gas - right where the only recent #GroundWater may be in surplus

2016 Here come the #Pipelines #Fracking #1% WI 1848 Forward: Bad News - #Oil - #Gas - where #GroundWater in surplus?

Walker undue influence on elections - Politics - GAB - AP Scott Bauer 11/4/13

Update: 8/8/2014

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos says elections agency [GAB] head [Kennedy] 'has to go'

Read more:


Why Vote?

The headline reads in one source carrying the story ...

Walker withdraws nomination of elections board member who was chair during recall

... another source ... same story ...

The Governor's privilege - right?  Consider ... that 2011 recall elections of the Governor and other WI Legislators ... what do you think ... smells like limburger to me!

... from Scott Bauer's AP story ...

Doyle reappointed Deininger to the board in 2010 for a term that expires in 2016. Walker initially pulled back the appointment after taking office in 2011, but immediately reappointed Deininger. However, he was never confirmed by the state Senate.

Read more:
Looks more like Walker was trying to advise the GAB leader to toe the line for Republicans when making election and ethics decisions or you will not be reappointed! 

Right up there with buying a democratic legislator to prevent State worker union contract approval before Walker took office and giving him a job in your administration a month later. 

WI 1848 Forward: #Walker undue influence on #election politics - #GAB - #AP Scott #Bauer 11/4/13 - #voterID #wivote #timeCapsule  

#Walker Hidden Agenda WI 1848 Forward: undue influence on #election politics - #GAB - #AP 11/4/13 - #voterID #wivote #timeCapsule 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

TED - Mariana Mazzucato : Government -- investor, risk-taker, innovator - The BEST

I have been fond of saying big business, big government - what's the difference.  They both seem unmanageable but government is much more accountable (even though imperfect) and makes investments no matter your ideology that are important.  Big business on the other hand can do great harm by subverting governments and dumping costs of production on people - pollution (fracking) and causing recessions (derivatives) as two examples.

I also like her point about narratives - That they are just that and not always correct and they need to countered!  Speak UP!  Narratives seem to me to be like mob mentality - some body comes up with the spin and "television media" especially can't seem to exercise one neuron to actually think about whether it is reasonable!

As an example of "private enterprise" corrupting government -

N.C. wants to nix Duke Energy's $99,000 settlement for coal ash leaks
only after the big lie is discovered!

Government is really in the front seat !  Brought us the Internet !

Government Investment DARPA

#Feds #DARPA Created #WWW #GPS -> #Government > investor, risk-taker, innovator -The BEST #47% #99% vs #1% - WI 1848 Forward  - #TED Mariana #Mazzucato - 20th Century best technology came from #FEDeral Government -BasicResearch #Capitalism won't do it! 

Created the #Internet #www #Government -- investor, risk-taker, innovator #47% #99% -WI 1848 Forward: #TED -Mariana #Mazzucato vs #1% Greed #Grifters on Parade #GOP Grand Ostrich Party

WI 1848 Forward: #TED -Mariana #Mazzucato : #Government > investor, risk-taker, innovator - Created the #Internet - Provides #SurgeProtection in case of disasters (or should) #DisasterSurgeProtection 

WI 1848 Forward: #TED -Mariana #Mazzucato : #Government > investor, risk-taker, innovator - Created the #WWW #GPS - Provides #SurgeProtection in case of disasters (or should) #DisasterSurgeProtection 

#Government > investor, risk-taker, innovator - Created the #WWW #GPS -WI 1848 Forward: #TED -Mariana #Mazzucato - #Bezos #Musk owe it to at least 60yrs of #Space #Exploration 

#Government > investor, risk-taker, innovator - Created the #WWW #GPS -WI 1848 Forward: #TED -Mariana #Mazzucato - #Bezos #Musk owe it to at least 60yrs of #Space #Exploration ... and did their corps pay #TAXES?