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Monday, January 19, 2015

PBS - The 1% are getting wealthier, and lobbying has a lot to do with it

From 2014 - -

Now 2015

The wealthiest are getting wealthier, and lobbying has a lot to do with it - PBS

On the eve of President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address and days before the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Oxfam predicts a widening wealth gap and points a finger at lobbying for much the of wealth accumulation at the top. The world’s wealthiest 1 percent is likely to control over 50 percent of global wealth by next year, according to Monday’s report.

From -  on 

One Member of Congress = 18 American Households: Lawmakers’ Personal Finances Far From Average

... While the median net worth of an American family has declined by nearly one-thirdbetween 2007 and 2013, members of Congress have recovered quite well from the recession. The Senate’s median net worth went from $2.3 million to $2.8 million over that period, while for members of the House the numbers went from $708,500 to $843,507. ...

$$$ WI 1848 Forward: #OXFAM #PBS - The #1% are getting wealthier, & #lobbying has a lot to do with it !

$$$ WI 1848 Forward: #OXFAM #PBS - The #1% getting wealthier & #lobbying has a lot to do with it !

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