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Saturday, June 1, 2019

#SCOTUS Beware: DredScott, Plessy v. Ferguson, Roe v. Wade

The appointment of Brett Kavanaugh as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States for it's significance was so problematic.

The controversies of his accused behavior and the examples of the behavior of our President, who nominated him, toward women is beyond ironic.

...  that we now seem certain to see the Supreme Court reconsider Roe v. Wade.

During his testimony he was questioned again and again about "settled law".  Part of his various answer(s) was to hold up the "Dred Scott Supreme Court decision" as an example "settled law" that was justifiably reversed.

This was alarming because it means Kavanaugh will use "Dred Scott" as rationalizing justification for reversing "Roe v. Wade" - bad law

Said more bluntly "The Supreme Court took a man and made him into a slave."

What "right" will supersede a "women's right to privacy" under the "Due Process Clause" of  the 14th Amendment. 

#SupremeCourt #SCOTUS Beware: #DredScott , #Plessy-Ferguson , #Roe-Wade , #Dreamers , #BLM, #Thomas #Alito , et al

#SupremeCourt #SCOTUS Beware: #DredScott , #Plessy-Ferguson , #Roe-Wade , #Dreamers > If #Trump is above the #LAW SCOTUS becomes his tool :(   #Thomas #Alito , et al 2022 

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