It's hard to work inside a binder! |
WI 1848 Forward: Mitt #Romney's #Binders Full of #Women - Madison WI - Remember
Can A Bird Fly With Only A Right Wing?!
Motivated by the current (2011) political climate in Wisconsin it seems reasonable to devote some time and effort to comment on issues and some of the hyperbole. So we in the public should do what we can to help focus "journalists" on delineating real facts versus spin. If you accept the spin you do not understand the policy implications.
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It's hard to work inside a binder! |
Democrats [Presidents] tend to boost economy immediately ... will not last four years. Republicans tend to slam on the brakes, cause a recession, recovery comes at re-election time.
His study shows that the "middle class" sees real income growth about three times greater under Democrats than Republicans. The "working poor" see real income growth about ten times greater under Democrats than Republicans.